Early Fur Trade
Key Players in the Fur Trade
British North America Act
Impact of the BNA

This was the foundation of the Canadian economy

what is the fur trade


These three groups were the key players in the fur trade.

What is the British, French and First Nations peoples

What day became known as Dominion Day?

What is July 1st 1867.


These 2 provinces protested the formation of Canada.

What is New Brunswick and Nova Scotia


Who was France's main competition for furs? 

Who are the English


This group of people were responsible for trapping the majority of the fur, as well as teaching the French and British how to make canoes and survive the harsh winters.

Who are the First Nations people. 


This man was named as the first Prime Minister of Canada.

Who is John A. Macdonald


What group of people were not consulted when in discussion about confederation? 

Who are the Indigenous peoples.


What major river was crucial for transporting furs in New France?

What is the St. Laurence River.


Who has the majority of the fur trade in Montreal in the early 1700's?

Who are the French.


This level of government is responsible for civil laws. 

What is the provincial government.


This group of people were responsible for negotiations between British North America and Britain.

Who are the fathers of Confederation.


What 3 things did the Europeans mainly use fur for?

What is making hats, ear muffs and capes


Who was the French explorer responsible for establishing trade relations with Indigenous peoples in Canada?

Who is Samuel de Champlain.


Who makes the final decision when conflicts between provincial and federal governments occur? 

Who is the federal goverment. 


This conference was where the British North America Act was created.

What was the London Conference.


These 4 items were commonly traded by the Europeans to the First Nations for furs. 

What is firearms, metal pots, tools, and cloth


By 1741 the French had this many trading posts built in the "upper country". 

What are 9 trading posts


Which colonies (now called provinces) were apart of the BNA?  

What is New Brunswick, Canada East, Canada West (Ontario, and Quebec), and Nova Scotia 


Why was Britain okay with the formation of The Dominion of Canada?

What is not wanting to have to pay to defend British North America.