What is, the same size as other stars
How many inner and outer planets are there?
What is, 4 of each.
How many Moons does Jupiter and Saturn have and what are they made out of?
What is, 95 moons and 146 moons
rock and ice - Jupiter
water and ice - Saturn
What are asteroids also known as?
What is, minor planets
What are dwarf planets?
What is, nearly round planets that have not been able to complete the orbit of debris
How does the Moon receive/reflect light?
What is, by using the Suns light.
What are some of the moons of the inner and outer planets?
What is, Phobos, our moon, Europa, Lapetus, Triton, and Oberon?
What is the distance from Jupiters closest and farthest moons to Jupiter?
What is, closest moon around 421,800km and farthest moon 1,882,700 km
What can asteroids be found orbiting and where?
What is, the Sun between Mars and Jupiter
What are the names of the dwarf planets and their size approx.?
What is, Pluto 1477 miles, Ceres 296 miles, Haumea 1080 miles, Makemake 44 miles, and Eris 1500 miles
How large is the moon in comparison to the Earth?
What is, a quarter of the size of the Earth.
What are the inner and outer planets orbits like?
What is, the inner planets and outer planets orbit the sun but the inner planets are closer to the sun so they orbit faster while the outer planets are farther from the sun so orbits slower?
What is Saturns closest and farthest moons distance from Saturn?
What is, 133,583 km and 1,221,87 km
What is, asteroids that survived the trip down to Earth
What are comets made of?
What is, dust, rock, and ices
What is the temperature of the Sun?
What is, 18 million degrees Fahrenheit?
What is one difference of the inner and outer planets?
What is, the inner planets are closer to the Sun while the outer planets are farther.
-the inner planets are smaller than the outer planets
-inner planets are made up of rocks while the outer planets are made up of gas
What is Saturns and Jupiters largest moon?
What is, TITAN, Gaynmede
What do we call meteoroids seen in the sky?
What is, a shooting star
What is, they heat up and releases dust and gases to become a large glowing head
What does Nuclear Fusion do?
Name all the inner and outer planets in order
What is, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
What do Saturn's Moons help create?
What is, Saturn's ring
What do meteoroids that come into earth look like?
How many comets are there in estimate and where are they located?
What is, about a billion comets in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud