An exercise performed lying on the ground with the feet flat where the upper body is raised and lowered
This famous space telescope provided some of the sharpest visual wavelength photographs ever of celestial objects and has been serviced while in orbit five times
Hubble Space Telescope
With atmoic symbol W, this element's name literally means "heavy stone" in Swedish
Jonathan Swift's satirical essay suggesting a way for the poor people of Ireland to ease their economic troubles
A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Publick
(a) (b)a small child
Ankle biter
A one-legged squat typically done with the arms and other leg held forwards for balance
Pistol squat
Albert Einstein's most important year of publishing where he published four papers that were significant to the foundations of modern physics in 1905
Einstein's annus mirablis or miracle year
This US state has more Norwegians than any other
This passionate philosophical novel set in 19th-century Russia discusses questions of God, free will, and morality and whose plot revolves around the subject of patricide.
The Brothers Karamazov
(s) (b) (r)An idiom that expresses the belief that whatever is wrong will right itself with time.
She'll be right
A stretch of the legs and hips that involves the legs pointing in opposite directions
A physical quantity, represented by a scalar, vector, or tensor, that has a value for each point in space and time. The term was coined by Michael Faraday.
This Norwegian explorer led the first crossing of the Greenland interior on skis, he was an expert on zoology and set a new record for proximity to the northpole at latitude 86deg
Fridtjof Nansen
This comedic science fiction series explores themes of existentialism, bureaucracy, and the absurdity of life. It includes a book of the same name, which has the words 'DON'T PANIC' in large, friendly letters on the cover.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
(s) (b)someone new to surfing
Shark biscuit
A neck and core exercise where only the feet and head touch the ground and the hips are raised and lowered
Neck bridges
Inspired by Einstein's "happiest thought" that a falling person would not feel their own weight, this postulate of general relativity states that an observer in free fall in a gravitational field will observe the same exact laws of physics as an unaccelerated observer in free space.
The Equivalence Principle
This Major General, Baron of the Bouvet islands, is a king penguin that is the colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian King's Guard
Nils Olav
Written by German writer Michael Ende, this fantasy novel follows an overweight and imaginative boy who stumbles upon a book of the same name.
The Neverending Story
(s)[noun]look "Take a s[BLANK] at this"
A tricep exercise performed lying flat on a gym bench with dumbbells or curl bar lowered behind the head
This (bio)chemist was a founder of quantum chemistry and molecular biology, and he is one of five people to have been awarded more than one Nobel prize. His work inspired Rosalind Franklin, James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins's work on the structure of DNA.
Linus Pauling
This 120km long fjord is not a fjord in the geological sense and had multiple German installations along its coastline during WWII
Oslo Fjord
A horror story about four characters who stay in a haunted mansion to conduct a paranormal investigation. The main character, a shy, reclusive woman with a troubled past, becomes increasingly unstable as she experiences terrifying phenomena and becomes obsessed with the house.
The Haunting of Hill House
(s)to hit hard;knock unconscious OR to baffle completely;outwit, foil