Your an online extreme gamer and your tryharding your favorite game where you meet a friend the next day he asks you for your password, and other personal information, should you give it to them? yes or no?
a dishonest scheme or fraud is a?
if you see a funny video but it contains racism against people of a certain race, should you post it?
No. Make sure that what you post online is friendly with everyone around you.
the ability to use technology responsibly, safely and respectfully
digital citizenship
copying data from one computer to another, Or transferring it from one place to another.
true or false: If an online friend you met one day ago asks you if you should go to their house you should go.
If someone asks you on Facebook marketplace for 100 dollars in exchange for a brand new Honda civic Should you trust it?
No, because they will more likely take your money and not give you anything.
true or false: whatever you do online only the good things stay online
If an senior citizen person need help with them restoring their Google password should you help them?
yes, if they ask you for your help you should happily help them, not mattering who it is.
software program to present and explore content on the World Wide Web.
What types of keystrokes can you do for a safe password
8 or more letters, Numbers, and Special characters
if someone asks you for 100 dollars should you give it to them
No, you shouldn't because they wouldn't give you anything back and that's a loss of 100 dollars.
If your friend says something you don't like should you say something worse and insult them or should you just ignore it and tell a trusted adult.
you should ignore it and tell a trusted adult.
if your friend is talking bad about your other friend and you want them to know what should you do.
tell your friend who is talking bad to please stop and think about what they say or do.
a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's computer( hint: Starts with a C)
If someone on the internet is asking you to send them an inappropriate video or something you don't wanna do should you you send it? Yes/No
If a pop up add comes up and it says "Click here for 100 dollars or more!" should you click it or block it??
Block it, it might give you other types of stuff like viruses and teal your information
what is the meaning of digital footprint
Digital footprint is data or leaks that are left on the history of the internet.
a random guy that you don't know is texting you and is asking for your address so y'all can meet up. should you give it to them?
no. before you do anything tell your parents or guardian. your safety matters.
programs that use your text input to find things on the internet
search engine
if someone asks you for your first Name online should you give it to them?
Yes, Your name is nothing to be scared of there is probably millions of people that have your name either way your name is probably in your username.
If you get a virus what is the first thing you should do,
Tell a trusted adult and use the anti virus made by your computer (only have to get one right to get the score )
if you send someone a video of you saying something foolish and dumb and it gets posted whats the next steps that could happen later on.
Whenever your trying to apply for a job or something else that is important they are gonna go through your history and see what you've done on social media before.
If you keep on buying stuff online with a credit card and go in debt how might this hurt you?
Whenever your buying a car or something else they might not wanna give you a monthly fee because of your credit score.
an identity and access management security method that requires two forms of identification to access resources and data
Two Factor authentication