Table Etiquette
The direction food should be passed at the table.
What is to the right or counter clockwise?
Tailoring one's attire, grooming, and overall appearance toward making a great first impression in a job interview.
What is dressing for success?
When shaking someone's hand, where should you focus your eyes.
What is make direct eye contact with the person whose hand you are shaking?
When wearing a name tag it should be placed.
What is on the right side of your shirt/blouse for ease of eyesight when shaking hands?
The amount of debt-not counting the interest-that is left on a loan.
What is principle?
The way you let the waiter know you do not want coffee or tea at your meal.
What is turn your cup down on the saucer?
The number of rings per hand that should be worn by a female.
What is 1 ring per hand (total of 2 rings)
During a sporting event when a male is wearing a hat or helmet and the National Anthem is sung...
What is they should be removed and placed over the heart?
The best way to relay your appreciation when you are given a gift.
What is send a handwritten thank you note to the person who gave you the gift?
The names of the 3 major credit reporting agencies.
What is TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax?
When dining in a formal setting, this action determines when you may begin eating.
What is you may begin eating once everyone at the table is served?
When and how should women wear ankle bracelets.
What is they should be worn in social settings not professional settings and not over nylons
The acceptable distance when interacting with someone at work.
What is the distance of 15 inches.
The introduction order when your parents/guardians are being introduced to your principal.
What is introduce your Principal to your parents/guardians first?
When a payee signs their name to the back of a check.
What is endorsing?
When excusing yourself from the table during a formal meal, with the intention of returning to finish your meal, what should be done with your dinner napkin.
What is place it in your chair to let the waiter know that you intend to return?
The two colored dress shirts considered acceptable for formal business meetings.
What are light blue and white dress shirts?
Four behavior etiquette mistakes in the work place.
What is (1)profanity, (2)lack of personal space, (3)unnecessary cellular chats and (4)poor eating habits.
The amount of time that is proper in sending a thank you card.
What is written on the same day that the gift is received no later than three months?
The number of stocks that the Dow Jones Industrial average is composed of.
What is 30? or (30 large stocks)
The correct way to eat bread (roll or muffin) during a formal meal.
What is break 1 to 2 pieces of the roll at a time, butter each piece and eat?
The two colored suits considered acceptable for formal business meetings.
What are dark blue and charcoal gray suits?
When first arriving at a formal event you should always
What is greet the host or hostess of the event
At a formal event, when men are shaking hands with other men; and when men are shaking a woman's hand the proper hand position is.
What is the palm should be facing sideways(w/men) and upwards (w/women)?
The number of companies that the NASDAQ Composite includes.
What is 4,000?