This accessory is almost always wore and always seen
what are glasses
Statistically an unfunny show
what is friends
Born in this midwestern state
where is Wisconsin
the season that has 2 different names for it
what is fall or autumn
This bible icon walked on water and died on the cross
Who is Jesus Christ
what is piano
This animated tv show first aired as a movie and was revived in 2020 for one last season
What is Star Wars the clone wars
This state is number 1 for places I want to go
Where is Colorado
This beverage comes hot or cold and is commonly rivaled with tea
What is Coffee
This bible icon had dreams and received at colored coat from his father
This card game has a large following and gavin investing way too much money in
what is magic the gathering
Currently watching this show for the 14th time
What is how I met your mother
have only been here because of international waters
Where is Canada
Favorite Pokémon, featured in the Smash bros franchise.
Who is Lucario
Carrier of the commandments was banished from the promised land for 40 years
who is Moses
gavin has participated in many sports. Aside from swimming, gavin played this team sport competitively
what is soccer
This Netflix original features a well known actor and follows a political journey
what is house of cards
This northern(upper middle) Wisconsin city is where I initially Lived
Where is Mosinee(Wausau works too)
Edger Wright directed this film, which features driving and hearing impermeant
What is Baby Driver
A female follower of Jesus many believed to be a proustite
who is Mary Magdalene
Almost decided to pursue a career in this field.
what is Law
this sequel series taking place in the 20s is a reboot of a TV show that is still to this day one of the best tv shows of all time
What is the legend of Korra
This foreign country is a dream location and is very wonderous
Where is Egypt
Daily Double
This Toto classic is also Gavin's go to karaoke song
what is Rosanna
was the first person to ever get killed
who is Abel