The number of instruments mentioned in the Bible.
What is 12?
A kinnor.
What is a harp?
The amount of strings the lute had in Bible times.
What is 3?
Lord, what can I impart
When all is Thine before?
Thy love demands....
What is...a thankful heart;
The gift, alas! how poor.
Beautiful words, Wonderful words
What is hymn 286?
The first musician named in the Bible.
Who is Jubal?
During Babylonian times, this instrument was used.
What is pipe?
This instrument was a mark of religious events and in times of war.
What is a horn?
Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail...
what is...In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail;
Wrote the song Chief of Sinners?
Who is William McComb
The very first song to be recorded in the Bible.
What is "The Victory Song"?
A horn, traditionally of either a ram or goat
What is a shofar
This instrument is made from goatskin.
What is bagpipe?
We’re trav’ling to Immanuel’s land,
We soon shall hear the trumpet sound...
...and soon we shall with Jesus reign,
And never, never part again
5 Frany Crosby Songs
1. Redeemed
2. Draw me Nearer
3. Blessed Assurance
4. A wonderful Savior
5. To God Be the Glory
The amount of times the Bible reference singing to the worship of Jehovah.
What is 300 times?
What instrument did Miriam play after being delivered from Egypt and crossing the Red Sea on dry land?
What is Timbrel?
Used as a celebration instrument in the Bible?
What is tambourine?
O that today they might fall,
Now as to God...
...we’re confessing,
Now as on Jesus we call!
Song we sing at the end of church?
What is " Jesus is coming again"?
How many voices are there in Heaven?
what is thousands of thousands
One of the instruments of Nebuchadnezzar’s orchestra.
What is a zither?
This instrument was well-known during the Egyptian times.
What is a sistrum?
Any song suggestion?
Any song
Sing "Family" Begining to end