Populism/The People's Party
Robber Barons/Labor

Name one of the primary pull factors for immigrants coming to the United States during the Gilded Age?

Jobs, Religious Freedoms, Better Economic Opportunities, The Prospect of a Better Life


What were the terms used to describe the rapid growth of factories and cities during the Gilded Age?

Industrialization and Urbanization


What was the primary goal of the Populist movement?

To help the common man (farmers and laborers)


Who owned the Standard Oil Company which had a monopoly on oil during the Gilded Age?

John D. Rockefeller


What was the Gilded Age?

The period of American history from the late 1870s to about 1900 that was characterized by industrialization, urbanization, and a move away from an agricultural focused economy.


Name one of the primary push factors for immigrants coming to the United States during the Gilded Age?

Religious Persecution, Famine, Political Instability, Poverty


Identify one major inventions that contributed to economic growth in this era.

Lightbulb, Telephone, Transcontinental Railroad


What Populist leader became famous as a presidential candidate and for his "Cross of Gold" speech?

William Jennings Bryan


This man owned the monopoly on steel during the Gilded Age.

Andrew Carnegie


Who coined the term "the Gilded Age?"

Mark Twain


Name one significant immigration station in the United States during this period.

Ellis Island, New York City

Angel island, San Francisco


What was the name for the overcrowded apartments that were used to house the rapidly growing populations in the cities?



The Free _____ Movement advocated for changing the U.S. currency system from the gold standard to a bimetallic system. 



This man was well known for his work in the banking industry during the Gilded Age.

J.P. Morgan


What famous children's novel is though to have been a metaphor for the Populist movement during the Gilded Age?

The wonderful Wizard of Oz


What impact did immigration have on urbanization in the United States?

Rapid urbanization, Rise of tenement living, Overwhelmed social services, Decreased public hygiene 


Explain how a monopoly formed during the Gilded Age.

Vertical Integration: Businesses would buy out all different levels of an industry. For example, the company would own everything from the fields where the oil was drilled from, to the railroads that it was transported on, to the gas stations where it was sold.

Horizontal Integration: Businesses would buy out their competition or undercut the competition to drive them out of business. When they were the only business that remained, they could raise the price to whatever they wanted. 


What were the three main issues that farmers faced that they wanted the Populist movement to address?

Falling crop prices, High railroad shipping rates, Crushing debt


Name one of the major labor strikes that occurred during the Gilded Age.

Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike, The Haymarket Riot


What does the term "gilded" mean?

Thinly covered by gold leaf or gold paint


What did the Chinese Exclusion Act do?

It banned Chinese immigrants from entering the United States for 10 years beginning in 1882.


Explain how the increase in the railroad system in the United States influenced the economy during the Gilded Age.

It allowed for easier and cheaper transportation of goods and components from place to place. This allowed for greater production in factories, resources from the middle and western parts of the United States to be more easily accessed, and it jumpstarted the economy.


The 17th Amendment implemented one of the Populist Party's key demands into the U.S. Constitution. What did the 17th Amendment do?

Allowed for the direct election of senators


What did the concept of Social Darwinism entail?

The idea that only the strongest businesses and individuals survive in a competitive environment


How did political machines gain and hold power during the Gilded Age?

Through corruption and patronage