This metal was essential during industrialization.
What is steel?
The Standard Oil Company was founded by this man.
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
The working conditions that angered factory workers (name 3).
What is low pay, long hours, unsanitary conditions, harsh treatment, exploration of children, no housing, and illiness?
This novel displayed America after the Civil War.
What is The Gilded Age?
This theory explained the idea of "survival of the fittest".
What is Social Darwinism?
This liquid was used to fuel lamps all around America.
What is kerosene oil?
The business strategy called vertical integration was created by this man.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
The people brought in to replace striking workers during labor disputes.
Who are strikebreakers or scabs?
The percent of wealth controlled by 10 percent of the American population during the Gilded Age.
What is 90 percent?
This riot caused the public to view labor unions as associated with anarchist and radicalistic views.
What is the Hay Market Affair?
This power source replaced steam power.
What is electricity or the combustion engine?
The first Robber Baron known for inflating stock value.
Who is Jay Gould?
This labor union aimed to unite all workers regardless of skill, gender or race.
What is the Knights of Labor?
This author felt the government was a "repressive power" that limited the quality of life.
Who is Henry George?
This Protestant reformation movement advocated for the kingdom of God and individual salvation.
What is the Social Gospel?
This act granted land to citizens in order to move westward.
What is the Homestead Act of 1862?
This investment banker bought the Carnegie Steal Company.
Who is JP Morgan?
AFL stands for this labor union?
What is the American Federation of Labor?
This novel was written by Laurence Gronlund in 1884.
What is The Cooperative Commonwealth?
This Baptist minister wrote Christianity and the Social crisis.
Who is Walter Rauschenbusch?
This innovation made factory work faster and more effective.
What is the assembly line?
This man built the Central Pacific Railroad.
Who is Leland Stanford?
This court case implemented yellow-dog contracts and voided a state law establishing 10 hours per day/ 60 hours per week as the maximum # of hours.
What is Lochner v. New York?
This novel sought a world of equality and was written by Edward Bellamy.
What is Looking Backward?
The Social Gospel's mission as a movement (multiple acceptable answers).
What is to alleviate poverty, combat child labor, encourage the construction of working-class housing, and increase salvation?