Life Assignments
Daily Life in the Community
Passage Based

She skips Jonas' number during the Ceremony.

Chief Elder


What is the first memory that Jonas recieves?

A ride on a sled through the falling snow.


What is a rule on Jonas's assignment sheet? 

1.) Go after school to the Annex

2.) Go directly to your dwelling after training

3.) Exempt from rules governing rudeness

4.) Do NOT discuss your training with anyone

5.) Prohibited from dreamtelling

6.) Except for illness, no medications unless it is not related to training. 

7.) Cannot apply for release.

8.) You may lie.  


"He felt fear flutter within him." 

This sentence is an example of this literary device. 

What is Alliteration?


Why is the pilot released from the community?

He misread his navigational instructions and frightened the community.


Why does Jonas interrupt his friends' game of good guys bad guys?

He recognizes that their game takes a casual attitude towards tragedy.


Jonas's best friend, he becomes Director of Recreation.



How does the community react to the death of a child in the river?

They chant the child's name over and over, each time more and more softly. 


"They all laughed. Dream-telling began with Threes. If new children dreamed, no one knew." 

An inference a reader can make is...

Only Threes and older are able to talk about their dreams. 


Why does the Chief Elder apologize to the audience at the Ceremony of Twelve?

She has caused them anxiety about Jonas's Assignment. 


Why do Jonas's parents refuse to tell him that they love him?

They think love is an obsolete word with no meaning. 


He works at the Nurturing Center; he killed one of the twins. 



Why does the Nurturing Center release one of every set of identical twins?

It is inconvenient to have identical people walking around


"How could someone not fit in? The community was so meticulously ordered, the choices so carefully made." 

What is the definition of meticulously?

Hint: Use context clues 

Precise, taking extreme care over detail. 

This rule is most frequently broken in the community.

What is riding a bicycle before becoming a Nine?


The four year old boy who drowned in the river and was replaced at the December ceremony. 

What is Caleb?


How does Jonas keep the search planes from finding him and Gabriel?

He transmits memories of cold so that the heat-seeking planes cannot locate them. 


Why is Lily skeptical of Jonas's story about the elephats?

Lily has been raised to think that elephants are imaginary creatures. 


"Jonas was shocked. A name designated Not-to-Be-Spoken indicated the highest degree of disgrace. "What happened to her?" he asked nervously. But his parents looked blank. "We don't know," his father said uncomfortably. "We never saw her again." A silence fell over the room." 

What is the authors tone in the passage?

Mysterious and Troubled


The numbers assigned to children at birth signify this. 

What is the order of their birth?


What does Jonas see (or think he sees) as he nears the bottom of the hill on the sled?

Colored lights in the windows of houses


What is considered one of the assignments that has the lowest honor?



Why is Jonas not permitted to apply for release?

If Jonas left the community, all the memories he had accumulated would enter the minds of the citizens and create chaos. 


"Comprehending all of those things as he sped downward, he was free to enjoy the breathless glee that overwhelmed him: the speed, the clear cold air, the total silence, the feeling of balance and excitement and peace." 

This passage contains what literary device?



What is the climax within this novel? 

When Jonas leaves the community.