Invention and Innovation
Medieval Europe
Goods and Foods
Words/Names That Begin with M

The Chinese may have invented it but it was Mongols who spread this, which gave projectile weapons a little more "pow" and kick.

What is gunpowder?


In the Middle Ages, Italy had a monopoly on trade in this sea, which sits between Europe and North Africa. 

What is the Mediterranean?


A tract of land given by a lord to a vassal.

What is a fief?


One of two main Chinese luxury exports that were sought after by various other lands. 

What is porcelain or silk?


Sufis were described as these types of figures in the religion of Islam. 

What are mystics?


This device invented by the Chinese uses the Earth's magnetic poles to point explorers in the right direction. 

What is the magnetic compass?


The Grand Fleet sailed over this ocean establishing tributary relationships with Indian outposts and even cities like Zimbabwe in East Africa. 

What is the Indian Ocean?


The beginning of the Dark Ages progressed into the Middle Ages, but it all began with the collapse of this empire. The Renaissance attempted to revive its glory.

What is the Roman Empire?


The Song Dynasty of China obtained this type of rice from the area of Vietnam, which allowed for population growth. 

What is Champa rice?


Hinduism and Buddhism, especially, have their followers to do this practice, which requires both relaxation and focus. 

What is meditation?


While Germany's Gutenberg used a printing press to print the Bible ca. 1450, printing books with wood blocks had its origins in this country 400 years before. 

What is China?


Invading armies need to go through a pass in this Asian mountain range to enter northern India. 

What are the Hindu-Kush Mountains?

Self-sufficient communities built on fiefs. 

What are manors?


Two goods frequently exchanged between North African traders and the West African kingdoms such as Mali. 

What are salt and gold?


One of two of the holiest cities in the religion of Islam. 

What is Mecca or Medina?


These could be found in cities of Dar al-Islam, places with physicians working in different wings to treat people with myriad health problems. 

What are hospitals?

This is the world's largest mountain range and was home of the Inca Empire. 

What are the Andes?


As trade grew, towns grew, too, and so did this social class. En francais, sil vous plait. 

What is the bourgeoisie?


Chinese traders who were a part of the Grand Fleet might obtain this luxury good from Africa, of which elephant and rhino tusks are made. 

What is ivory?


Famous family who led the city of Florence and were patrons of Renaissance artists. 

Who are the Medici?

They devised a sophisticated system for cutting and laying large stone blocks for walls as well as a lengthy road system connecting their empire.

Who are the Incas?


The Aztecs established this city with its chinampas in the middle of Lake Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico. 

What is Tenochtitlan?


This Eastern European nation arose when it overthrew Mongol overlords from its capital of Kiev/Kyiv. They should have known better than to mess with the bear.

What is Russia?


They were used as currency by the Aztecs and could also be eaten, although they lacked the milk and sugar that can be synthesized with it to make the brown-colored candy.

What are cacao beans?

Aztec emperor who surrendered to Hernan Cortes and later died while in his custody. 

Who is Moctezuma II?