General Knowledge/content

The full name of Abu Huraira 

Abdirahman Ibn Saqar Ibn Al-Addawsi


In order for knowledge to enter our hearts we must first _____ it from two things:

What is purifying the heart from misconceptions and desires?


Name another book authored on this subject matter 

Ibn Abdul-Barr :  جامع البيان العلم وفضله

Khateeb Al-Baghdadi: Jami' li Akhlaaqi-l Raawi


Recite the poem mentioned at the end of chapter 3 along with it's meaning.

Bonus 50 pts. if you mention the FULL NAME of the author of the poem

"My determination has not not become frail nor has my wisdom nor has my manners, Nor has my allegiance, nor my religion or my generosity. Only my hair that was balck has been submitted to that which was not its original color. Grayness is the hair is not the same as graynes in aspiration."


The full name of Sahal ibn Abdullah 

Abu Mohammad Sahal ibn Abdullah ibn Yunis At-Tasturi


Full name of Abu Wafa 

Abu Wafa Ali ibn Aqil ibn Mohamed ibn Aqil


Allah looks at our heart and our actions (proof)

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم) قال:

إن الله عز وجل لا ينظر إلى صوركم وأموالكم ولكِن ينظر إلى قلوبكم وأعمالكم

 On the authority of Abu Huraira That the Prophet   said "Indeed Allah does not look at your forms and your wealth but Allah looks at your heart and actions



Name the types of sciences (2/3)

Al-Uloomul Aala/ Wasaail (Vehicle sciences)

Al-Uloomul Gaaya (End sciences)


This person when he was a novice student, would spend his nights studying so much so that his mother took mercy on him and told him not to study at night. But nevertheless he continued to do so.

Abu muhamed bin Taban


Full name of Ahmed ibn Hambal

Ahmed ibn Mohamed ibn Hambal


Full name of Sufyan Ath-Thawri 

Sufyan ibn Said ibn Masruuq


The __ foundations of sincerity in seeking knowledge.

1. To remove ignorance from myself 

2. To remove ignorance from the creation

3. To revive and preserve knowledge

4. To act/abide by this knowledge 


The __ themes of the Quran.

What is الأخبار (Reports), الأوامر (Commandments), النواهي (Prohibitions), الوعد (Promises) and الوعيد (Warnings)?


This person was one of the most intellectual scholars of his time from among the hanbali madhab

Abu Wafa Ali ibn Aqil ibn Mohamed ibn Aqil


Full name of Abubakr Al-Maroodi 

Abubakr Ahmed ibn Mohamued Ibn Xajaaj


Full names of  

Ibn Qayyim, Al-Junayd & Abu Mohamed at-Tabani 

Abu Abdullah Mohamed ibn Abubakr ibn Ayyub

Abul qasim Al-Junayd ibn mohamed ibn Junayd 

Abdullah ibn Ishaaq al-Maghribi ibn At-Tabani


The statement of Sufyan Ath-Thawri regarding intentions

"I have not remedied anything more difficult upon myself than my intentions because it keeps changing."

ما عالجتُ شيئًا أشّدَ علي من نيتي؛ لأنها تتقلب علّي


What did Ayub Asaktiyani say about knowledge these days? 

words is more today and knowledge is more in those who came before us


Knowledge is made up of these 2 foundations

Name them and provide evidence for it (poem)

Knowledge is in two foundations nobody exceeds (those two foundations) Except for the person who is misguided from the straight path Knowledge of the Kitaab & Knowledge of the tradition ( Sunnah of Prophet & sahaba)


The full names of 

Ibn Taymiyyah (BOTH)

Ibn Uthaymeen 

Hassan Al-Basri 

Abu-Barakat Abdislaam ibn Abdullah ibn Al-Khidar 

Abu Abas ahmed ibn AbdiHalim ibn Abdisalaam 

Abu Abdullah Mohammed ibn Sahal Ibn Mohamed 

Abu Saciid Hassan ibn Yasaar Al-Basri 


Ibn Jawzi 

Khateeb Al baghdadi 

Ismail Al-Hiriyyi

Abu Al-Faraj Abdurahman ibn Ali ibn Mohhamed 

Abubakr Ahmed ibn Ali ibn Thabit 

Ismail ibn Ahmed An-Naysaburi ibn Abdullah


The 3 matters/principles of maintaining or establishing ambition when seeking knowledge are:

(Bonus 100pts if you can provide evidence)

1. To have eagerness in what benefits you

2. Seek Allah’s aid when acquiring the knowledge

3. Not to tire when seeking knowledge

evidence: In the hadith narrated by Muslim, Abu Huraira heard the Prophet say:Strive towards that which benefits you, seek aid in Allah and do not tire.


The two qualities a teacher should have.

This person has to have the right credentials to teach these texts "He has to be a person who is known to have sought knowledge and taken from the scholars until he reached a degree to benefit others"

The second quality is the sheikh is a person of sincere advice. 


The path to knowledge is based on these 2 issues mentioned in chapter 5. State them and provide evidence.

Memorizing a concise text that is contains all the basic issues in that science

you take knowledge from a sheikh that is proficient in that science and can advise you sincerely

The Full names of 

Imam Bukhari 

Imam Muslim 

Hamad ibn Zayd 

Suleiman Al-Hashimi

Abu Abdullah Mohamed ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim

Abdul-Hussien Muslim ibn Hajjaaj ibn Muslim

Hamad ibn Zayd ibn Dirham

Suleiman ibn dawud ibn dawoud al-hashimi