Christ Suffered the Wrath of God for Us
Christ Died in Our Place

What is human anger like?

Human anger is uncontrollable, irrational, and selfish.


According to the Bible, death was NOT…?

Death is NOT an original or natural part of creation.


What is GOD’s anger like? 

GOD’s anger is a result of His holiness, righteousness, and love for all that is good.


What is death (spiritual and physical)?

Answers may vary.

1. Judgment of God against our unrighteousness.

2. Physical death is separation of soul from body. 

3. The wage of sin.


The reason men suffer GOD’s wrath is because…

He chose to challenge GOD’s sovereignty, violate His will, and give himself to evil.


What does it mean that “Christ did not die as a mere martyr, but as a Redeemer…”?

Christ did not die to prove a point to gain men’s attention, but to satisfy the wrath of GOD and bring humanity back to purity from sinful nature.


All men are guilty of sin, they deserve GOD’s wrath. What is done in love of GOD?

Christ took the cup of GOD’s wrath and drank every drop until it was completely depleted and the justice of GOD against us was fully satsified.


Why is death necessary in the Gospel?

Christ made the full payment for salvation to occur so that man’s relationship with GOD may be restored and our lives be given to Christ.


Choose one of the Bible verses listed: 

Jeremiah 25:15

Matthew 26:39,42

Isaiah 53:4-5

Explain how Jesus’ relationship to us is found in the Bible verse you chose.

Answers may vary.

Jesus chose to serve us even though He is King of Kings and we purposefully are wicked toward Him. 


What is GOD’s will for us since Christ died in our place?

Answers may vary.

You will no longer live for yourself, but inwardly compelled to live for the One who died and rose again for you.

See His wisdom and power in the cross and follow the risen Christ in obedience.