Life of Jesus
Parables of Jesus
Miracles of Jesus
Teachings of Jesus

Where was Jesus born?

A) Nazareth

B) Jerusalem

C) Bethlehem

D) Jericho

C) Bethlehem 

Matthew 2:1


In the Parable of the Talents, what did the servant with one talent do?

A) Invested it

B) Spent it 

C) Lost it 

D) Buried it 

D) Buried it

Matthew 25:18


What did Jesus turn water into at the wedding in Cana?

A) Milk

B) Wine

C) Oil

D) Honey

B) Wine

John 2:1-11


According to Jesus, what should we seek first?

A) Wealth

B) Knowledge

C) The Kingdom of God 

D) Power

C) The Kingdom of God

Matthew 6:33 


What was Jesus' profession before He began His ministry?

A) Fisherman

B) Carpenter

C) Shepherd

D) Farmer

B) Carpenter 

Mark 6:3


In the Parable of the Sower, what does the seed represent?

A) Faith

B) Hope

C) The word of God

D) Love

C) The Word of God

Mark 4:14


What did Jesus do to calm the storm on the Sea of Galilee?

A) Sang a hymn

B) Raised His hands

C) Spoke to the wind and waves

D) Prayed

C) Spoke to the wind and waves

Mark 4:39


What did Jesus say to do when someone strikes you on the cheek?

A) Strike them back

B) Turn the other cheek

C) Walk away

D) Report them 

B) Turn the other cheek

Matthew 5:39


What garden did Jesus pray in before His arrest?

A) Garden of Eden

B) Garden of Gethsemane

C) Garden of Olives

D) Garden of Bethany

B) Garden of Gethsemane 

Matthew 26:36-39


In the Parable of the New Wine in Old Wineskins, what happens to the wineskins?

A) They burst

B) They shrink

C) They Stretch

D) They remain intact

A) They burst

Luke 5:37


What miracle did Jesus perform at the Pool of Bethesda?

A) Calmed a storm

B) Walked on water

C) Healed a paralyzed man

D) Raised the dead

C) Healed a paralzed man 

John 5:1-15


According to Jesus, where should we store our treasures?

A) On earth

B) In heaven

C) In the temple 

D) In our hearts

B) In heaven

Matthew 6:20


Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?

A) Peter

B) James 

C) John

D) Judas

D) Judas

Matthew 26:14-15


In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, where did the rich man end up after he died?

A) Heaven

B) Hell 

C) Purgatory

D) Limbo

B) Hell

Luke 16:23


What did Jesus do to the fig tree that bore no fruit?

A) Watered it 

B) Prunned it 

C) Cursed it

D) Ignored it 

C) Cursed it 

Mark 11:14


What did Jesus say about the greatest love?

A) Loving oneself

B) Loving your neighbor

C) Laying down one's life for one's friend

D) Loving God

C) Laying down one's life for one's friend

John 15:13


Who was the first person to see Jesus after His resurrection?

A) Peter

B) John

C) Mary Magdalene

D) Thomas

C) Mary Magdalene

John 20:16


In the Parable of the Sower, what does the field represent?

A) The world 

B) The church

C) Heaven

D) Israel

A) The world 

Matthew 13:38


Who was healed by Jesus' word alone without His physical presence?

A) Centurion's servant

B) Peter's mother-in-law

C) Jairus' daughter

D) Bartimaeus

A) Centurion's servant

Matthew 8:5-13


In the Beattitudes (Sermon on the Mount), who does Jesus say wil see God?

A) The poor in spirit

B) The merciful

C) The pure in heart

D) The peacemakers

C) The pure in heart

Matthew 5:8


How did Jesus describe Himself in relation to believers?

A) The Good Shepherd

B) The Bright Morning Star

C) The Alpha and Omega

D) The King of Kings

A) The Good Shepherd


In the parable of the Tenants, what did the tenants do to the son of the vineyard owner?

A) Welcomed him

B) Paid him rent

C) Killed him

D) Ignored him

C) Killed him

Matthew 21:38-39

What did Jesus heal Barimaeus of?

A) Deafness

B) Leprosy

C) Blindness

D) Paralysis

C) Blindness

Mark 10:46-52


According to Jesus, who is the way, the truth, and the life?

A) Moses

B) Elijah

C) Jesus Himself

D) John the Baptist

C) Jesus Himself

John 14:6


Who helped Jesus carry His cross?

A) Peter

B) Jonn

C) Simon of Cyrene

D) Joseph of Arimathea

C) Simon of Cyrene

Luke 23:26


In the Parable of the Rich Fool, what did the rich man decide to do with his surplus crops?

A) Sell them

B) Give them to the poor

C) Burn them

D) Store them in bigger barns

D) Store them in bigger barns

Luke 12:18


What did Jesus do for Peter's mother-in-law?

A) Raised her from the dead

B) Healed her fever

C) Cured her blindness

D) Cast out a demon

B) Healed her fever

Matthew 8:14-15


What did Jesus say would set you free?

a) The law

B) Knowledge

C) The truth

D) Wealth

C) The truth

John 8:32


Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when He was presented at the temple as a baby?

A) Simeon

B) Zachariah

C) John the Baptist

D) Peter

A) Simeon

Luke 2:25-35


In the Parable of the Unjust Judge, why did the judge grant the widow's request?

A) He was just

B) He feared God 

C) To gain favor with the people

D) To avoid being worn out by her persistence

D) To avoid being worn out by her persistence

Luke 18:5


What did Jesus command the demons to enter after casting them out of a man?

A) Birds

B) Pigs

C) Dogs

D) Snakes

B) Pigs

Mark 5:11-13


What did Jesus teach about the eye in relation to the body?

A) The eye is the lamp of the body

B) The eye is the mirror of the soul

C) The eye is the window to the mind

D) The eye is the source of light

A) The eye is the lamp of the body

Matthew 6:22