What is Grace’s favorite city to visit in the US?
What is Grace’s favorite Indonesian savory snack?
Bakwan Jagung
How many siblings does Grace have and what are their names?
2, Naomi and Erica
Which ministry did Grace first serve at (in her whole life)?
Kids Ministry
What is Grace’s love language for giving?
Acts of Service
What year did Grace move to the US for the first time?
Where will Grace reside in Indonesia after she gets married?
Serpong, Tangsel
What was Grace’s favorite hobby growing up?
What is Grace’s favorite book in the Bible?
What is Grace’s pet peeve?
People changing set itineraries
What is Grace’s favorite restaurant in Seattle?
What is the name of Grace’s high school in Surabaya?
St. Louis ( Sinlui )
What was Grace’s childhood dream job?
Who was the first person that Grace talked to at IFGF Seattle?
What’s the one thing Grace refuses to eat, no matter what?
Oranges or Durian
Which US state does Grace want to visit but hasn’t yet?
What is Grace’s favorite Indonesian dessert?
What was Grace’s favorite childhood TV show?
At what age did Grace become a Christian?
If Grace were to teach a seminar on any non-Bible topic, what would it be?
Parenting or Education
What was Grace’s major for Undergrad and Grad school? (Bonus 100 points for naming each of the universities too)
Undergrad: California State University Long Beach - Business Management ( Information Systems )
Masters : UW - Masters of Science Information Systems ( MSIS)
If Grace could eat only one Indonesian dish for the rest of her life, what would it be?
Nasi Cumi
What was Grace’s irrational fear as a child?
If Grace could meet one biblical figure (besides Jesus), who would it be?
What is one unique item that Grace always carries in her bag?