Which symbol presented to the Hazar Imam showed cotninuity of the Imamat?
The Golden Chain
We celebrate this Eid to remember Prophet Muhammad appointing Hazrat Ali as as the Imam
What do we say when seek blessing for Prophet Muhammad and his family members?
Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin wa Aalihi Muhammad
He is the first Imam of the Shia Muslims
Hazrat Ali
What is the Arabic word for a religious leader?
What is the colorful long gown worn by the Imam called?
We are called Ismailis because we followed which Imam?
Mawlana Ismail (AS)
What did we do to show our commitment and loyalty to Shah Rahim Al-Hussaini as our Imam, Pir, and Murshid?
Bay'ah is an Arabic word which mean an "Oath of Allegiance"
Who is the first Imam to be get the title of Aga Khan?
Hint: He is our 46th Imam
Mawlana Hasan Ali Shah
This term means "Sitting on a thorn" in Persian
Takht Nashini
What is the official name of the Ismaili Flag?
My Flag
The name of the 48th Imam of the Ismaili Muslims is?
Shah Sultan Mohammed Shah, Aga Khan III
What is a Ginan or Madoh/Manqabat called in Arabic?
This was the name of the 5th Ismaili Imam
Mawlana Jafar Sadiq (AS)
What does the word Nass mean?
Nass is the Arabic word for the designation of an Imam by a previous Imam
The Inklet was presented to the Hazar Imam to symbolize what?
Knowledge. Wisdom
Mawlana Shah Karim built this in Toronto, Canada to showcase the Islamic history and art
The Aga Khan Museum
What have our Imams used the signet ring to do?
To seal communications from the Imam to his followers
Who was Hazrat Fatima?
The daughter of the prophet Muhammad and the wife of Hazrat Ali
What does the word Quran mean?
Quran is an Arabic word which means 'the thing that is recited'
the Recitation
or the Reading
This was presented to the Hazar Imam to show that he is the defender of the faith and the Jamat
The Sword
The King of this country gave the title Aga Khan to the Ismaili Imams
Iran (Qajar Dynasty King, Fath Ali Shah Qajar, in 1818)
Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussain, are collectively known as what?
Ahl-e-Bayt (People of the House)
What is the name of the only daughter of Mawlana Shah Karim Al-Hussaini?
Princess Zahra Aga Khan
This words means Imam of the Time in Persian language