The grand Final

Where are the defibrillators placed in the Pondus building? 

It is placed upon the wall next to elevator B

Did you know?
In the Post defibrillators are placed at all Floors near the elevator.
Furthermore, there are two defibrillators placed outside:
-One near the ATM on Bernstorffsgade 38
-One between the Pondus and the Post (near the main entrance in the Pondus building)


What time does the alcohol policy permit consumption in lounge areas from Monday to Friday?

It is allowed to enjoy alcohol in lounge areas and kitchenettes from 4PM on weekdays and in the Market from 3PM on Fridays. All events and gatherings must end no later than 10PM and should always be in consideration to colleagues

Did you know?
Your parents do NOT clean up after you (they don't have an access card). Please remember to do that yourself. 


How much does the Robert Jacobsen Sculpture in the Bernstorffsgade 40 entrance weight?

1.200 Kg.

Did you know?
When the sculpture was transferred to the new domicile, there was only a 3 cm gap on each side which created quite a challenge.


How many meeting rooms are there in Copenhagen Central?

578 meeting rooms in total across Post & Pondus.

Did you know?
A part from the traditional meeting rooms, we do have meeting rooms out of the ordinary. Such as Lego rooms, gaming rooms, table tennis and much more. 


Where can you find first aid kits?

First aid kits can be found in printer rooms on all floors.



What are the official opening and closing hours for the main building at Bernstorffsgade 40B?

The official opening and closing hours are between 07.00 - 22.00. 

Did you know?
If you wish to stay later than 22.00 you need to advice the security.


How many pieces of art have been placed in Copenhagen central?

282 pieces of art has been transferred to CPH C.

Did you know?
The above covers 100 paintings & Lithographies. In addition, approximately 160 artware was moved aswell. 


Where are you not allowed to eat breakfast, lunch and cake? 

Homezones, Meeting rooms & Focus rooms

Did you know?
If you have cutlery, plates etc. you should use the dishwasher placed in the kitchenettes A & B. 




Choose how many points you wish to gamble!
At least 100 no maximum (but in round numbers 100,200 etc.). 

Where are the assembly points located in case of a fire? 


Which locations in greater Copenhagen are Danske Bank located?

Lersø Park Allé, Copenhagen Central, Holbergsgade (ØK) and 'The Suntowers'


When Danske Bank decided to move into the new offices, we had A LOT of art which we could not bring. Therefore, the bank have sold art, furniture etc. upon auction.

The question:
How much money did the auctions bring in? 

1.800.000 DKK 

Did you know?
Some of the art were quite valuable. For example paintings by the artist William Scharff were sold for up to 100.000 DKK.
In addition a Louis XVI chandelier was sold for 90.000 DKK.


We are sure you know that The 'trader floor' is located in the building Post. But; how many work stations are placed upon the 'trader floor'? 

352 workstations

Did you know?
Originally the "glass cage" upon 7th were also suppose to be used as part of the 'trader floor'


What is the procedure for colleagues with disabilities preventing them from using stairs during an emergency evacuation? 

They should go to the nearest escape stairway plateau and await assistance.

Important: Do not use the elevators in case of evacuation.

Did you know?
The escape stairways are secured zones, and security authorities will make sure to evacuate colleagues from here.


Name two main points from the official guidelines for external guests visiting Copenhagen Central without a business purpose? 

-External guests without a business related purpose are only allowed outside regular business hours. -Regular business hours are Monday-Friday 8:00-17:00. 

-External guests are not allowed in homezones, but can be granted access local manager approves. See more details at: Office Guidelines at the intranet. 

Did you know (more examples)?
If you wish to bring your relatives or friends to the office in the weekend, you need to inform the security in advance. 

Furthermore, you are responsible for the guests and should at all time keep them under sight. 

Maximum 5 external guests pr. visit


Jens Olsen, who was a skilled locksmith and later learned the trade of clockmaking, is the creator of the clock placed outside the auditorium on the ground floor in Pondus.

Where is the World Clock or Verdensur created by Jens Olsen placed?

Jens Olsen's World Clock or Verdensur is displayed in Copenhagen City Hall.

Did you know?

The clock in Danske Bank was created for Landmandsbanken's 50 year jubilee in 1921.

You can explore the fascinating Verdensur at Copenhagen City Hall. Free admission, week days 9 AM to 4 PM, Saturdays 9:30 AM to 12:45.  


When did the move across Danske Bank to the new domicile begin? 

2nd of April 2024 

Did you know?
T&S, P&BC initiated their respective move upon the 15 & 16 of April. 


When was Pondus officially introduced to the public as a piggy bank?


Did you know?
Landsmandsbanken was to have new piggy banks in 1967, they made the penguin one of the animals that two jurys had to choose from. In one jury, children were sitting from all over the country, and the children pointed to the penguin. Pondus was a reality.