The New Deal
Life During Depression
Political Issues
The definition of The New Deal.

What is the nickname for FDR's Economic Reform Policy?


The trigger event for the Great Depression.

What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929?


A settlement of shacks that housed those who had recently become unemployed or unhoused due to the onset of the Great Depression. They are named after the President at the time.

What is a Hooverville?


The National Labor Relations Act provided the right to do what?

Strike or unionize for collective bargaining (better pay, benefits, work conditions etc)


The man who said the famous quote in his Inaugural Speech, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Who is FDR?


The three different aspects of The New Deal.

What are Relief, Recovery, and Reform.


The economic concept that analyzes how the amount of a product and people's willingness to buy that product interact with each other.

What is the concept of Supply and Demand?


The Cause of the Dust Bowl.

What is overfarming/overcultivation, prolonged droughts, and uncharacteristically high winds. 


This reform program was created to regulate the stock market and end unfair practices in business

What is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?


Herbert Hoover was a member of what political party?

What is Republican


The most popular New Deal Program. Provided jobs for men age 18-25 that paid $30/month with $25/month being sent home to their families.

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?


Customers were able to obtain goods or services before paying the full amount. When this is used in abundance this is what it is called.

What is the Overextension of Credit?


Famous 1930s crime couple from Dallas- pursued by the FBI

Bonnie and Clyde


The Social Security Act of 1935 provided three things. What was one of them?

What is old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to dependents?


Created by an executive order creating the Fair Employment Practices Committee that ensured that equal opportunities for WHICH GROUP in government and defense-industry jobs.

African Americans


The Public Works Administration resulted in the construction of these things. 

What are bridges, schools, airports, etc?


The act of planning to gain a high rate of return for a low investment. An example of this would be buying stocks "on margin" hoping that the value would continue to increase.

What is a Get Rich Quick Scheme?



The Photographer that took this picture.

Who is Dorothea Lange?


The Fair Labor Standards Act guaranteed what?

What is the federal minimum wage of 25 cents/hour, overtime pay at "time and a half", and the prohibition of "oppressive child labor"?


The term for FDR's actions to try and create a judicial system that was more willing to uphold New Deal Policies. 

Was caused by the "Nine Old Men" and their unwillingness to work with FDR and the New Deal.

What is Court Packing?



The 7 states that are provided electricity by the  Tennessee Valley Authority, a federally owned electric company that does not utilize tax payer dollars to run and operates similarly to a for-profit company.

What are Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia?


This is one of the initial causes of the Great Depression. It is heavily worsened by the damage caused to the Great Plains during the Dust Bowl throughout the 1930s. 

What is a reduction in farm prices?


In  the early years of the Great Depression, this group protested in Washington DC over unpaid wages from the Federal Government

What is the Bonus Army?


The act passed that was Roosevelt's first attempt to pump the economy back up during the Great Depression. 

What is the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933?


Nativism and concern about competition for jobs led to this political decision in the 1930s

Repatriation/ deportation of Mexican-nationals.