Hoover and a Struggling Economy
The First and Second New Deal
The Impact of the Great Depression and New Deal
FDR's Approach the the Depression
What was the purpose of Boulder Dam?
What was the purpose of Boulder Dam?
What is the Farm Security Administration?
The Farm Security Administration loaned $1 billion to help tenant farmers become landholders and establish camps for migrant farm workers.
How were men affected by the Great Depression?
Men were unemployed and went out looking for work everyday, the stress of the Depression caused some men to abandon their family, or commit suicide.
Why was Eleanor Roosevelt such an influential First Lady?
Eleanor Roosevelt... Traveled for her husband and reported to him on the social conditions she observed Advocated for minority groups Was a humanitarian and social reformer
Who was in FDR's "Brain Trust?"
FDR's brain trust consisted of a team of carefully picked advisors who worked to alleviate the problems of the New Deal.
What did the Bonus Army marchers want?
They wanted to receive their military bonus early.
In 1935 what two New Deal programs did the Supreme Court declare unconstitutional?
The Supreme Court declared the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional.
How were the elderly impacted by the Great Depression?
Many elderly people struggled with losing their life savings, being forced off their land, and health issues.
What happened during FDR's Bank Holiday?
During the Bank Holiday all the banks were shut down. The Treasury Department went in and inspected all the banks. Only healthy banks were allowed to reopen. Banks were allowed to get loans if necessary.
What happened in the election of 1936?
The election of 1936 was won by FDR in a landslide victory. His opponent Alfred Landon only won two states. The Democrats also won control of the House and Senate.
What is one policy of providing aid that Hoover did not believe in?
Hoover did not believe in providing direct relief to the American people.
What did union members experience during the New Deal era?
Union members experienced better working conditions and increased bargaining power, the flourishing of labor unions, and an increased number of people joining labor unions.
How did women feel the impact of the Great Depression?
Women were more likely to suffer in silence, they shared groceries with their neighbors, and canned food. Some women worked outside of the home, but that was frowned upon because they were taking jobs away from men.
What was FDR's first 100 days all about?
The First 100 Days was a time when 15 New Deal Policies were passed and the role that federal government played in business was expanded.
What was the most famous movie from the 1930s?
The most famous movie from the 1930s was Gone with the Wind.
Why did President Hoover start setting up relief programs?
President Hoover started setting up relief programs when the election of 1932 was approaching in order to gain support.
What was one major theme of the New Deal arts programs?
The projects created by the various New Deal arts program worked to convey an uplifting message about the strength and character of the American people.
What happened to teenagers during the Depression?
Teenagers were often kicked out of their homes during the Depression because they were just another mouth to feed. Teenagers began riding the rails in the hopes of finding work and adventure. However they also faced the dangers that riding the rails presented.
What was the complaint that conservative critics had about the New Deal?
Conservative critics thought that the New Deal caused the federal government to become too large and powerful.
Which area was most affected by the Dust Bowl?
The Great Plains area was most affected by the Dust Bowl.
Name the four major causes of the Great Depression.
The four major causes of the Great Depression were: tariffs and war debt policies that cut down the foreign market for American goods a crisis in the farm sector the availability of easy credit an unequal distribution of income
Who were the three main critics of the New Deal and why were each of them critical of FDR's policies?
Father Charles Coughlin - favored guaranteed annual income and the nationalization of banks Dr. Francis Townsend - believed that FDR wasn't doing enough to help the poor and elderly Senator Huey Long - wanted the presidency for himself; proposed the Share-Our-Wealth Program
What do we see in modern times that is evidence of the lasting impact of the New Deal? Name at least three.
Some examples of the lasting impact of the New Deal are the federal government's expanded role in business, the National Labor Relations Board still protects workers rights, the SEC still regulates the stock market, the FDIC still insures bank deposits, and the Social Security System is still providing aid to retired citizens. Additionally, the Commodity Credit Corporation still provides loans to farmers, and were are benefiting from the effects of FDR's various environmental programs such as the CCC and TVA.
What were fireside chats?
Fireside chats were FDR's way of communicating with the American people. He would communicate with citizen through the radio and explain his New Deal policies in an easy-to-understand manner.
What form of communication did Hobo's use during the Great Depression?
They used a series of symbols that were drawn on the side of houses, fences, and near train stations.