The Nations Sick Economy
Hardship and Suffering
Hoover Struggles with the Depression
A New Deal Fights the Depression
The Second New Deal
He was president from 1923-1929
Who was Calvin Coolidge
These are little towns consisting largely of hastily built shacks (nickname)
What were "Shantytowns"
Empty pocket turned inside were mockingly called this
What is "Hoover flags"
He defeated Herbert Hoover in the 1932 presidential election
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
Franklin Roosevelt's wife
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt
The support of certain price levels at or above market values by the government
What is "price support"
Cash payments or food given directly to the poor
What is direct relief
The idea that people should succeed through their own efforts
What is rugged individualism
FDR's monthly talk over the radio to the American people to keep them informed about American progress during the "Great Depression"
What is a "fireside chat"
This provided cheap electricity to isolated rural areas
What is Rural Electrification Administration (REA)
It established the highest protective tariff in United States history
What is the Hawley Smoot Tariff
Nickname given to individuals (mostly men) who left home, road the rails and survived day to day
What is a hobo
These individuals (as a group) looked to be paid the $500 bonus they were promised for serving in WW1, due to be paid in 1945 but demanded now
What is the "bonus army"
The Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933 established this agency which protected peoples money deposited in banks in order to re-establish confidence in the banking system
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
He headed the Works Progress Administration
Who is Harry Hopkins
This is the most widely used barometer of the stock market's health
What is Dow Jones Industrial Average
Name given to the midwest region that was torn apart by the drought of the early 1930's
What is the "dust bowl"
This government program allowed homeowners and farmers to refinance in order to avoid foreclosure on their property
What is the "Federal Home Loan Bank Act"
This act sought to promote industrial growth by establishing codes of fair practice for individual industries
What is the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)
This act provided a pension for retired workers and their spouses and aided people with disabilities
What is the Social Securities Act
The common name given to October 29th 1929
What is "Black Tuesday"
From 1929 to 1932 this rose 30% higher then it had been in previous years because of the problems of the "Great Depression"
What is the suicide rate
The economic approach taken by Herbert Hoover's secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon during the early stages of the "Great Depression
What is the "do-nothing" approach
The president's attempt to allow him to appoint six new justices to the Supreme Court in order to "create a court more sympathetic to the New Deal and its programs" became labeled as this
What is the "court packing bill"
This event brought to an official end the "Great Depression"
What is World War 2