US History 1
US History 2
US History 3
US History 4
US History 5

Though not considered its main cause, __________ triggered a Great Depression that lasted throughout the 1930s

Stock Market Crash of 1929


Lasting from 1930 through 1939, poor farming practices and drought caused massive dust storm across the Great Plains of the U.S. Many left to find work elsewhere, but 2/3rds stayed to stick it out through the destitute. 

The Dust Bowl

Who won the election of 1932?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt 


FDR used _________ to reassure the American people that everything would be OK

“fireside chats” (radio addresses/talks)


In April 1933, FDR required people to turn in any ___________ to the Federal Reserve System in exchange for $20.67/ounce

gold coins, gold bullion, or gold certificates


__________ increased taxes on imported foreign goods. In retaliation, European countries placed tariffs on American goods, destroying trade with foreign nations and making the depression worse.

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff


A New Deal public works project, _________ was tasked with controlling flooding along the Tennessee River, making navigation of the river easier, and the reforestation of the Tennessee River Valley

Dams built along the river by the TVA created hydroelectricity and provided electricity for people in the region

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)


___________ provided jobs, shelter, clothing, and food  for millions of young men working on environmental projects like planting trees, building trails, or improving the national parks

The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)


____________ trained in Tuskegee, Alabama at the Tuskegee Air Field and established the first African American flying squadron

The Tuskegee Airmen


In 1935, Benito Mussolini, leader of Italy, invaded Ethiopia and the U.S. banned _________ to Italy

weapon shipments


__________ oversaw Allied forces in North Africa and Sicily and, in 1943, he was appointed the Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe

General Dwight Eisenhower


The purpose of FDR’s New Deal for the American people was to help the forgotten man at the bottom of the economic ladder

It included the Three Rs. What were they?

RELIEF for people out of work

RECOVERY for businesses and the economy

REFORM of the American economy


In 1932, thousands of WWI veterans and their supporters marched to Washington, D.C. to demand the early payment of bonuses that they were scheduled to get in 1945. What was this group referred to as and what was its outcome?

Bonus Army 

they were denied by Congress and removed by force by federal troops after prior rioting had seen the death of two US veterans. Army used tear gas and burned down their encampments. 


The Securities Exchange Act established the ____________  which regulates and oversees the stock markets

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


Created by an act of Congress in 1935 and funded by payroll taxes, the _______ program created pensions for retirees. 

An unemployment insurance program and the Aid for Dependent Children program were also added 

Social Security


In response to Japan's invasion of China and escalating tensions in Europe, the U.S. passed ________ which prohibited the exportation of weapons to belligerent (warring) nations

The Neutrality Act of 1935


In 1939, Germany invaded _______ and World War II began in Europe



The Neutrality Act of 1939’s ‘cash and carry’ allowed what? 

nations at war to buy U.S. military supplies as long as they paid for them in cash and transported them using their own ships


__________ commanded the U.S. ground troops in the Pacific

General Douglas MacArthur


What are the facts and ruling of Korematsu v. U.S. (1944)?

Fred Korematsu, an American citizen and son of Japanese immigrants, was arrested for not complying with an order to relocate to an internment camp

He was convicted of refusing to follow a military order and sent, along with his family, to an internment camp in Utah

He appealed and his case eventually made its way to the Supreme Court who upheld his conviction 6-3 saying it was a military necessity, not racially based


Known as "a date which will live in infamy", when did Japan launch a surprise attack on the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor?

December 7th, 1941


The __________ created a minimum wage ($.40/ hour), established a maximum work week of 40 hours and time and half for overtime, and placed child labor restrictions on those under 16

Fair Labor Standards Act


What was Executive Order 9066?

Executive Order 9066 designating the entire west coast as a military zone under the command of military officers. This ultimately led to the forced removal and detention of over 100,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast to Internment Camps. Afforded no right to Due Process and without charge of a crime, the US Supreme Court upheld their detainment as that of military necessity. 


On March 9, 1933, _________ closed banks for a weeklong bank holiday and assured the public that when they reopened that they would be solvent (that they’d have enough money to cover the deposits in their bank)

the Emergency Banking Act


What was FDR's Court Packing Plan?

Supreme Court ruled the AAA and NRA as unconstitutional, so FDR announced his plan that would allow him to seat one judge from every current justice over 70, up to 15 in total. Thus providing him support in the Supreme Court for his policies. His plan failed to pass Congress, but the Supreme Court began ruling in his favor regardless.