Causes of the Great Depression
Life in & the Impact of the Great Depression
Hoover's Response to the Great Depression
FDR's Response to the Great Depression
Impact of the New Deal

Fill in the Blank: Easy access to ____ encouraged financial speculation in the stock market in the 1920s.

What is credit?


What fed many starving and homeless people during the Depression?

What are breadlines/soup kitchens?


Name 1 of the 3 causes of the Dust Bowl.

+100 for each add'l cause!

What is drought, wind, or soil erosion?


What were the 3 goals of the New Deal?

What is relief, recovery, and reform?


What did FDR's policies consistently provide for minorities? 

What is employment?


What financial practice allowed investors to borrow money from stockbrokers to buy stocks?

What is "buying on the margin"?

What served as a visible symbol of the failure of the Republican policies to address the Depression? 
What are Hoovervilles?

Who did the US military forcibly remove from Washington DC in May 1932?

Who is the Bonus Army? 


Who did FDR consider to be the greatest threat to the New Deal?

Who is the Supreme Court?


Fill in the Blank: Overall, while the New Deal provided relief and job opportunities, many still faced _______.

What is discrimination/segregation/exclusion?


When did the Great Depression begin for farmers?

What is the 1920s/Roaring 20s?


What assimilationist policy were Natives still suffering from during the Depression?

What is the Dawes Act?


What economic policy did Hoover believe would solve the Great Depression?

What is trickle-down economics 


What economic policy did FDR believe would solve the Great Depression?

What is Keynesian economics?

In what year did the New Deal officially end?

What is 1939?


Who was President during the Stock Market Crash of 1929?

Who is Calvin Coolidge?


Fill in the Blank: To combat rising American unemployment rates, Hoover approved the ______ of Mexicans.

What is repatriation?


Name 2 of Hoover's public works programs.

What is the Hoover Dam, Federal Farm Board, Emergency Relief and Construction Act, and President's Emergency Committee for Employment?


What was FDR's plan that would've allowed him to appoint six new Court Justice?

What is court packing?


What discriminatory practice caused appraisers to deny loans and assistance to minorities? 

What is redlining?


Name 2 out of 6 causes of bank failures during the Great Depression.

+100 for any add'l causes!

What is speculation, overuse of credit/installment buying, agricultural depression, bank runs, loss of confidence, and global financial instability?

Which year of the Depression experienced the highest rate of unemployment?

What is 1932?


What protectionist measure resulted in the reduction of both American imports & exports?

Bonus +200 for the date!

What is the Smoot-Hawley Act (of 1930)?

What New Deal policy created jobs for artists, writers, and musicians to create murals, plats, etc?
What is the Works Progress Admin?

What policy was referred to as the Indian New Deal?

What is the Wheeler-Howard Act/the Indian Reorganization Act?