Who do Gatsby and Nick meet as they leave the restaurant?
They meet Tom
What is West and East Egg?
West is new money and East Egg is old money
What relationship does Tom have with Nick?
Their old college buddies
What relationship does Daisy have with Nick?
They are cousins
Who was F. Scott married to?
What did Gatsby want Daisy to do?
Tell Tom she never loved him
What does Daisy think about West Egg?
She is offended and doesn't like it
Who is Tom having an affair with?
Myrtle Wilson
Who is Jordan to Daisy?
They are best friends
What ailment does he suffer from?
What relation did Gatsby have with Cody?
Was his personal assistant
What lies in between West Egg and New York?
Where does Tom take Nick and who do they meet?
To the Wilson shop and they meet the Wilsons
What was Daisy found holding on her wedding night?
a letter from Gatsby and a bottle of alcohol
How did F. Scott and Gatsby view their fathers?
What is Gatsby's real name and where is he from?
Jay Gats and North Dakota
Why does Nick go to East Egg?
To visit the Buchanans
What's Tom's reaction to Gatsby coming over?
He was annoyed
What did Daisy say when her daughter was born?
She was going to be a beautiful fool
What awards did F. Scott get after his death?
A stamp and a statue
Why does Gatsby come over to see Nick?
TO talk about inviting Daisy and him to tea
How do people portray themselves on the eggs?
West is new and naive while East is stuck up and snobby
What is a pattern Tom is continuing?
Having affairs
What does Daisy claim she is going to do for Nick and Jordan?
get them together
How is his life play out until his death?
He failed and went back to his old habits