This garage mechanic isn't dead, but his wife, Myrtle, treats him like a "ghost."
Who is George Wilson?
On the way to the apartment, Myrtle uses Tom's money to buy these things (name 3).
What is a dog, perfume, magazine, newspaper, and cold cream?
George Wilson and Tom Buchanan talk about a deal that they have worked out concerning this.
What is Tom's car?
This symbolizes $.
What is the green light?
This was the first Disney princess movie.
What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?
Add abuser to the list of the traits for this rich cheater.
Who is Tom Buchanan?
Myrtle's personality changes while in the apartment, going from a poor mechanic's wife to this.
What is snobby, rich, or arrogant?
When Myrtle meets Tom, she ignores George and treats him as if he were this other-worldly apparition.
What is a ghost?
This symbolizes the decay of society.
What is the valley of ashes?
This is the number of items in a "baker's dozen."
What is 13?
She says Daisy's name, and gets her nose broke for her trouble.
Who is Myrtle Wilson?
Myrtle tells her guests that she discovered that her husband, George, had to borrow this to get married.
What is a suit?
George and Myrtle live in this valley, which has been described as a symbol for the decay of society.
What is the "valley of ashes"?
This symbolizes emptiness.
What is the color white?
What is 3?
Catholics don't believe in divorce, which prevents this woman with a beautiful voice from getting one.
Who is Daisy Buchanan?
Myrtle says she met Tom on the train, but later decided to jump into this car with him despite the possible danger of going with a stranger.
What is a taxicab?
Myrtle has this color hair; one might call it fiery.
What is red?
This is the color of the light that Gatsby is seen reaching toward at the end of Chapter 1.
What is green?
You are pretty smart if you can name the next number in this sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ____
What is 34?
Although he is not in this chapter, a rumor claims he is the son of Kaiser Wilhelm.
Who is Gatsby?
Mr. McKee works at this job, and says he has "two of them we have framed downstairs."
What is a photographer?
Myrtle says she married George because she thought he was this.
What is a gentleman?
This symbolizes God.
What are the eyes of T.J. Eckleburg?
This is the number of bones in the human body.
What is 206?