Narrator of The Great Gatsby.
Who is Nick Carraway
This is the location of Jay Gatsby's mansion.
What is West Egg?
Nick Carraway is Daisy Buchanan's _____.
What is cousin?
The story begins in this season.
What is summer?
This theme explores the divide between the rich and the poor.
What is class?
The mysterious millionaire who throws extravagant parties.
Who is Jay Gatsby
Nick Carraway lives here.
What is West Egg?
The neighbor to Nick Carraway.
Who is Jay Gatsby?
Nick Carraway moves to New York to work in this industry.
What is the bond business?
Dr. T.J. Eckleburg’s eyes represent this
What are the eyes of god?
The woman who is described as having a voice that is full of money.
Who is Daisy Buchanan?
The wealthier, more fashionable of the two Eggs.
What is East Egg?
This character is a friend of Daisy's who Nick becomes close to.
Who is Jordan Baker.
This happens to a car after leaving Gatsby's party, a symbol of the chaos of the era.
What is a car crash?
Nick's view of the difference between reality and illusion highlights this theme.
What is perception vs. reality?
This character is described as having a 'cruel body' and 'arrogant eyes.'
Who is Tom Buchanan?
The dark, grey, depressing industrial wasteland between West Egg and New York City.
What is The Valley of Ashes?
Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson are involved in this type of relationship.
What is an affair?
Nick attends his cousin's dinner in which East Egg location?
What is Tom and Daisy's house?
Gatsby's lavish parties are meant to combat this theme in his life.
What is isolation?
This character is Tom Buchanan's mistress.
Who is Myrtle Wilson
This is where Tom takes Nick in Chapter 2.
What is Tom's apartment in New York City?
Gatsby asks to talk to this person alone during his party in Chapter 3.
Who is Jordan Baker?
Myrtle and Tom's fight at the end of chapter 2 results in this happening.
What is the breaking of Myrtle's nose?
This theme is highlighted by the reckless behavior of characters at Gatsby's parties.
What is moral decay?