Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Who is the Narrator in our novel?

Nick Carraway


What is the name of the place they drive through while heading to the city? 

The Valley of Ashes 


Why was Nick considered a "special" guest for the party?

He was invited


Who took Nick to lunch in the city?

Jay Gatsby


How did Gatsby plan on meeting Daisy once again?

Having Nick invite Daisy over for tea at his house


What is Nicks occupation (job)?

He works in the stock market


What is the name of the woman Tom is having an affair with? (Bonus 100: Who is her husband?)

Myrtle Wilson 

- George Wilson


Name at two rumors that were said about Gatsby during the party?

-German Spy during the war

- He killed a man


During a car ride in the beginning of the chapter, Gatsby tells Nick about his past. Name two things Gatsby claims about himself. 

- he went to Oxford

- Rich family that died (that is how he acquired the wealth)

-He was in the war. He was given many awards/decorations. Major Jay Gatsby


How was Gatsby acting/behaving before Daisy arrived?

- Nervous, uneasy, uptight 

- He was essentially a wreck until they had a real conversation 


What is West Egg like? Who lives there?

- New money folks 

- Nick, Gatsby


Name at least two characteristics of Tom

- Angry, aggressive, classist  

- Racist, abusive


Who did Nick "attach himself" to at the party?

Jordan Baker (the Golf Player)


What is Gatsby's potential motive for moving too Long Island (West Egg)?

To be closer to Daisy, to see/talk to her again


How many years had it been since Gatsby and Daisy had seen each other?

5 years 


What is East Egg like? Who lives there?

- Old money folks, generational wealth 

- Tom and Daisy


Why did Myrtle regret marrying her husband? 

He had borrowed a suit from a from friend for the wedding. 


In the library, the character Owl Eyes referred to Gatsby as "a regular Belasco". Why did he make such a reference?

The books were real. Most wealthy people kept hallowed out wooden blocks to give the illusion of a full bookshelf. 


Who was the character that was introduced to Nick at lunch? What does he/she do for a living?

-Meyer Wolfshiem. 

-He is a gambler. Fixed the World Series in 1919


What does the green light represent? Why does the symbolism diminish?

- Gatsby's hopes and dreams

- The American Dream


What were some of Nick's first impressions of Jordan Baker?

- intimidated , in awe, surprised 

- felt the need to apologize to her

- she seems well put together


What did Tom buy Myrtle on the street?

A dog


What were some of Nick's first impressions of Gatsby?

- his smile was rare "it understood you just so far as you wanted to be understood" 

- he picked his words with care 

- "elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over thirty" 

- how did he get so wealthy?


How did Daisy react on her very own wedding day?

- Regretful, drunk 

- She was holding a letter from Gatsby


What does Gatsby offer Nick for his cooperation in the whole situation? How does Nick react?

- A job, not super specific about what kind of job 

- He says no. (I would too)