Authors Purpose

What sport did Tom Buchanan play in college, which contributed to his sense of superiority?

Football or Polo (both are correct)


What does the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock symbolize?

Gatsby’s hopes and dreams, particularly his longing for Daisy.


What is the difference between a theme topic and a theme?

A theme topic is one to two words that reference a reoccurring idea in a story. A "theme" is the deeper, underlying message or idea that the author is trying to convey  




True or False: Gatsby’s lavish parties are thrown in hopes that Daisy will one day attend. ( You cannot steal this question)



How does Daisy’s voice contribute to her characterization in the novel?

Her voice is described as “full of money”, symbolizing her privilege, charm, and the materialistic world she represents.


What does Dr. T.J. Eckleburg’s billboard represent?

A symbol of moral decay and judgment, possibly acting as the eyes of God.


What theme does Tom and Daisy’s wealth highlight in the novel?

The corrupting influence of wealth and moral irresponsibility of the upper class.


Why does Fitzgerald include detailed descriptions of settings like East Egg, West Egg, and the Valley of Ashes?

To emphasize the social and economic divide between characters and reinforce the novel’s themes of class and corruption.


True or False: Nick Carraway remains completely neutral and unbiased toward all characters in the novel.

False – Although he claims to be objective, he clearly admires Gatsby more than the others.


Why does Nick feel that Tom will always be searching for the "dramatic turbulence of some irrecoverable football game"?

Because Tom peaked in college and is trying to relive his past glory, constantly seeking excitement but never finding true fulfillment.


What does the Valley of Ashes symbolize in the novel?

It represents the moral and social decay of society, particularly the struggles of the working class.


How does the novel challenge the idea of the American Dream?

The novel suggests that the American Dream is an illusion, as Gatsby’s pursuit of wealth and status does not bring him happiness or fulfillment.


What does Gatsby’s failure to achieve his dream suggest about Fitzgerald’s view on the pursuit of happiness?

Fitzgerald suggests that obsessing over an idealized past and material wealth leads to disillusionment and destruction.


How does social class affect the fate of different characters in the novel?

The upper class (Tom, Daisy) avoid consequences, while the lower class (Myrtle, George) suffer tragic fates, reinforcing class inequality.


How does Fitzgerald use indirect characterization to reveal Daisy’s true nature throughout the novel? (must include 3 techniques that the author uses and atleast 2 characteristics that are shown in Daisy)

Fitzgerald uses dialogue, actions, and other characters’ observations to show that Daisy is superficial, self-absorbed, and ultimately careless, especially in her decision to stay with Tom despite Gatsby’s love for her.


True or False: The eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg symbolize the moral decay of society and an absent god-like figure. ( MUST EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER)Where are the eyes located? 

True – They watch over the Valley of Ashes, representing judgment and lost morality.


How does the novel illustrate the difference between “old money” and “new money,” and why is this distinction significant?

Old money (Tom & Daisy) represents inherited privilege and social superiority, while new money (Gatsby) represents earned wealth but social exclusion. This distinction highlights how the American Dream is flawed, as Gatsby is never fully accepted by the elite despite his success.


What is the purpose of the novel’s non-linear storytelling, including flashbacks? (Think about Gatsby)

It reveals Gatsby’s past gradually, making him seem mysterious while also showing how his dream is rooted in the past.


How does Fitzgerald use Tom Buchanan as a representation of the established upper class?

Tom embodies the entitlement, moral corruption, and lack of accountability of old money, using his power and wealth to manipulate those around him.


How does Daisy’s decision at the end of the novel reflect her true character?

Daisy chooses to stay with Tom and lets Gatsby take the blame for Myrtle’s death, revealing that she is selfish, careless, and ultimately loyal only to wealth and security rather than love or morality.


How does the breaking of the clock during Gatsby and Daisy’s reunion symbolize Gatsby’s struggle with time?

It shows that Gatsby is trying to stop time and recreate the past, but just like the broken clock, his dream is impossible to fix.


How does Fitzgerald use Gatsby’s character to critique the idea of self-made success?

Gatsby represents the flaws of the American Dream, as despite his wealth and effort, he is still excluded from the elite class and fails to attain happiness


Why does Fitzgerald choose to delay the full reveal of Gatsby’s backstory until later in the novel?

By delaying Gatsby’s backstory, Fitzgerald builds suspense and mystery, reinforcing Gatsby as a romanticized figure whose life is shaped by illusion. This also mirrors the theme that the past is never fully attainable.


Choose one member to spell a word on the board 
