They can be possessive, they can be plural, they can be proper, etc. They tell us person, place, thing, concept, animal, etc.
What are nouns?
When writing, we need to always put this symbol at the end of question.
What is a question mark?
Ouch! Look out! Ugh! Oh!
Ah! Oh dear! OMG! Oh my!
Help! My goodness!
These are all examples of?
What are interjections?
We need these to let people know that we are writing exactly what someone said, word for word, verbatim.
What are quotation marks?
It tells us what action something or someone is doing, has done or has been doing. They can also express a state of being.
What are verbs?
We use these to end a statement, a command, full stop.
What is the period?
A, An and The.
What are articles?
When writing a date, we use this symbol between the day and the year.
What is a comma?
It takes the name of a person, animal, thing or concept, when we don't want or need to use their actual name. They can also be possessive and tell us what belongs to who or what.
What is a pronoun?
Contractions could not function without this symbol; we also use it to show something or someone own's something.
What is the apostrophe?
And, but, or and nor are some examples. They help by joining single words or groups of words.
Famous song:
" _____, _____ what's your function?"
What are conjunctions?
It is used to introduce lists, summaries, direct quotations, etc.
What is the colon?
It describes a verb, adjective or another word of its same type. They tell us how, when where and to what degree.
What is an adverb?
This punctuation mark can mean an omission of words or can indicate a pause.
What is an ellipsis?
The ______ song tells us that they give us time, place and position.
They combine with nouns and pronouns and tell us something about another word in that sentence.
What are prepositions?
What is an adjective?
Dolce _ Gabbana and Johnson _ Johnson are common examples of how this symbol is used.
What is an ampersand?