Magic Finger
Jake Drake Bully Buster
Who Clowned the President
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Super tricky novel questions

We learn the name of the girl in Magic Finger? True or False. 



Who is Jake's Super Bully? 

Link Baxter


Who are the "detectives" of the story? 

KC and Marshall are the detectives

Who are the villains of the story? 

Boggis, Bunce and Bean


What is a villain? Give one example from the books we read. 

Usually the evil person in the book trying to cause problems or hurting others?


What does the girl see before she uses her magic finger? 

She usually sees red. 


What does Link do in the bathroom that makes Jake really embarrassed? 

He pours water down the front of Jake's pants? 

What clues show KC that the president may be in trouble? 

He is writing with his right hand, he isn't smiling and he looks really tired/sick-like


What two tools do the farmers use to try and catch Mr. Fox in his fox hole? 

They use shovels and mechanical shovels.


What is a realistic fiction novel? Give examples. 

Realistic Fiction are stories based on events that could happen in real life. But the characters are fake and the events. 

What happens to the Gregg family? What happens to the ducks? 

The Gregg family turn into small duck-like people. While the ducks become large like humans. 


Why does Jake need to go to the principal's office in the novel? 

Jake had to go there because he hit Link. 

Who is responsible for cloning the president? 

Dr. Jenks is responsible for cloning the president 


What is the first place that Mr. Fox enters when gathering food? 

He enters Boggis' Chicken House #1 


What is the climax of the story? 

Usually the most interesting and exciting part of the novel. 


Does the girl always know what will happen when she puts the magic finger on someone? 

No, she doesn't know what exactly will happen but it is usually bad. 


What is Bullyitis? 

It is when you are bullied by someone, so then you start to bully another. 


How do KC, Marshall and the real President Thornton escape? 

The escape through a secret tunnel hidden in a freezer. 


Why are the farmers so annoyed with Mr. Fox? What characteristics would match this? 

They are annoyed because he keeps stealing their food. They are greedy and do not like to share. 


What is fantasy fiction? Give examples. 

Answers may vary. 

Why can't the Gregg family get into their house for food once the duck family has gone inside? 

The ducks have closed all windows and doors. 


Why is Link Baxter a bully? 

He is a bully because he is bullied by his older sister at home. 


What does KC stand for? 

KC stands for Katherine Christine


Which character is very much like Bean? They have similar attitudes. 

The Rat in the Secret Cider Cellar. 


What is the author's purpose of most of the novels we have read this semester? 

Most of the author's purposes have been to entertain!