Hoover vs. FDR
Alphabet Soup
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Causes of the Great Depression
This president is famous for his fireside chats and the line "we have nothing to fear but fear itself".
Who is FDR?
This federal act insured bank deposits to help restore confidence in the banking system
What is the FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
This enforced codes that regulated wages, prices, and working conditions
What is the NRA - National Recovery Act?
The rise in this among American workers was another major cause of the Great Depression.
What is unemployment?
This was the term for shanytowns made of cardboard boxes which housed many of the people affected by the Great Depression
What is Hoovervilles?
This man was the president during the market crash of 1929.
Who is President Hoover?
Provided jobs for young ment to plant trees, build bridges and parks, and set up flood-control projects
What is the CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps?
This built ports, schools, and aircraft carriers
What is the PWA - Public Works Administration?
During the Roarding Twenties Americans first started using this to buy luxury items.
What is buying on credit?
Farmers were most affected by this event during the Great Deptression which blew up dirt and created huge dust storms in the great plains states.
What is the Dust Bowl?
This president felt that the government needed to be more involved in the lives and business of the citizens - a "new deal" from the way it was.
Who is FDR?
This built dams to provide cheap electric power to seven southern states; set up schools and health centers
What is the TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority
This loaned money to extend electricity to rural areas
What is the REA - Rural Electrification Administration?
Buying stocks on this allowed buyers to pay only part of the cost of the stock when they make the purchase.
What is margin?
These 3 "R"s were promised by FDR
What is Relief, Recovery, Reform?
This woman became a symbol of social justice as she was FDR's eyes and ears
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt
This gave releif to the unemployed and needy
What is the FERA - Federal Emergency Relief Act?
This employed men and women to build hospitals, schools, parks, and airports, empolyed artists, writers, and musicians.
What is the WPA - Works Progress Administration?
When people cannot afford to buy many good and the factories are still making the goods, the result is
What is overproduction?
People who left their homes to find work in California became called this
What are migrant workers?
President Hoover attacked this group because they were demanding to receive their bonus checks from WWI.
What is the Bonus Army?
This paid farmers not to grow certain crops
What is the AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act?
This set up a system of pensions for the elderly, the unemployed, dependent children, and people with disabilities
What is the SSA - Social Security Act?
Banks making these led to many banks closing.
What are unwise loans?
This was the number of days in which FDR passed a record 15 major new laws
What is 100?