Who's most famous for creating beefs within the underground?
"Pilot" who instantly clicked/reunited with each other after how many years?
Aaliyah & Kai
"gas what i smoke. cmon."
Penthouse Shordy
Who are Kairi's Top Male Crushes? (Football Wise)
Joe Burrow, Jamarr Chase, & Tee Higgins
17, and Saggitarius
Who's most famous for mostly being fat, and doing lean?
"better late than ever"
Who has the most packed male roster? (opininated)
How old is Vonni and whats her sign?
Aquarius and 16.
Who's most famous for being having a horrible dread era, and turned into a wannabe gangsta?
"He was exposed to sleeping with a man several years ago."
Trinidad (Marriage Retreat)
"take it off for me you know i..."
Aaliyah and Vonni
What's Kairi's Age and Sign?
17 and Leo
Who's most famous from biting off of summrs, autumn! and a few other pluggnb artists?
Dom Corleo
"#9, The ____"
Burrows. (Joe & Kairi Burrow)
"When i grab my chain, that bih go..."
Dingaling/Mind Right!
Who Likes Trinidad Cardona?
When is Saani's Birthday and Sign?
15 and Aquarius
Who got exposed for lying about their age?
"She like 'che leh go, i wan' eat it."
Who likes the Sturnilio Triplets?
Vonni & Kay
FUN FACT, Who has the same sign?
Vonni and Saani