What is wrong with Khalil"s grandmother?
She has cancer
What is the name of the main character?
Starr Carter
What is a central idea?
A message about life that the reader can learn based on what the characters experience.
What happened at Big D's Spring Break party?
Kenya wanted to fight, there were shots fired, Starr felt uncomfortable, etc.
Define Anguish
Severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
Who has practically moved into the house with Iesha
What two communities is Starr a part of? (Why does she feel torn between two different communities?)
She attends a rich prep school (Williamson),but lives in rough Garden Heights
Read the following quote:
"And bam. That normal feeling? Gone. I suddenly remember how different I am from most of the kids here" (76).
What is the theme?
Feeling like an outsider/ unable to be themselves
Besides Khalil's murder, what other traumatic event has Starr experienced?
Natasha shot in drive-by
Define Maneuver
To move around something in a tight space.
Who is the rapper that came up with acronyms such as "The Hate U Give"
Why did Starr feel internal conflict after the police shot her friend?
Starr felt internal conflict because one part of her didn't want to talk to the police because she didn't trust them and another part of her wanted to get the truth out.
Give one example of how the author is bringing awareness to the theme of oppression.
Answers may vary
What job does Uncle Carlos have?
Define Relevant
It is important or goes along with something current
How come Big Mav does not like Uncle Carlos?
Big Mav feels Carlos has never liked or respected him- he also resents the fact that he was in Starr's life when he was in jail.
What does Starr call the cop who shot her friend (and why)?
115 because that's his badge number
Why does the author choose to use part of Tupac's saying in her title? What theme is the author addressing by using this saying?
She uses The Hate U Give to show the theme of hate and how hate breeds hate. She wanted to make the point that we get what we give- if we hate, we will be filled with hate.
Why does Starr think that her and Hailey's relationship has changed?
Because Starr posted the picture of Emmet Till and Hailey unfollowed her on Tumblr.
Define Seethe
To have intense and unexpressed anger.
Who took Lisa in when her mother kicked her out?
Ms. Rosalie
How is Starr related to Kenya?
Her brother and Kenya's brother have the same mom- they are not related by blood.
Give two examples of injustice that we have seen in the book so far.
Answers may vary.
What picture does the Carter family have hanging in in their home, beside the Black Jesus?
Malcolm X
What does THUG stand for?
The Hate U Give