This is what matters most about the heart in our actions.
What is the heart behind it?
This is what happens when the heart is controlled by sin, according to the Bible.
What is captivity to sin?
This book in the Bible says, "How much better to get wisdom than gold."
What is Proverbs?
This emotion, if not dealt with, often leads to broken relationships.
What is jealousy?
The way God shows us mercy despite our sins.
Answer: What is sending His Son for our redemption?
In the sermon, this is the key reason relationships break down.
What is the heart turning to sin?
In Genesis, sin desires to have us and is waiting at this "door."
What is the door of our hearts?
This was Cain’s chance to change his heart before sin overtook him.
What is God’s warning to Cain?
This action, when handled wrongly, can lead to hatred and eventual harm to a relationship.
What is not addressing your feelings or issues?
When you forgive others, you are showing this.
Answer: What is mercy?
Abel’s offering was favored by God because of this.
What is the condition of Abel’s heart?
The verse from Acts warns that bitterness leads to this.
What is being captive to sin?
Wisdom will do this for you, according to Proverbs 4:6.
What is protect you and guard you?
A key theme from the sermon is that broken relationships are often caused by unaddressed this.
What are small moments of hurt?
This is what happens when we choose to forgive instead of letting anger grow.
Answer: What is healing relationships?
Cain's attitude led him to sin in this way.
What is letting jealousy grow into bitterness?
When we let sin take over, it costs us this, which can result in broken relationships.
What is everything?
The Bible teaches us to deal with conflicts this way to avoid bitterness and brokenness.
What is forgiveness?
Broken relationships can be healed when we follow this principle from the Bible.
What is showing mercy and grace?
The Bible verse reminds us to forgive others as God forgave us.
Answer: What is Ephesians 4:32?
The sermon teaches that giving part of your life to God, rather than all of it, leads to this.
What is a heart that is not fully surrendered?
The result of letting sin control our hearts, as seen in Cain’s punishment.
What is being driven from God’s presence?
This book tells us that God’s love is the ultimate example of this kind of love.
What is real love?
This important aspect of a heart can prevent broken relationships and heal wounds.
What is forgiveness?
This is the key to restoring broken relationships according to the sermon.
Answer: What is choosing forgiveness and grace?