The Son of Man is a member of what Family?
The Lowgods.
What number did Moshe become obsessed with?
Who claimed to be an oracle in the story?
Whose mother is Fioria Carissimi?
Enzo Carissimi (Big Soap)
Who were the three father's of Bernice's children?
The Skrupskelis brothers and reverend Spriggs.
Who does Gus Plitzka owe money to?
Nig Rosen
Who did Rabbi Feldman ask help from and for what?
He asked Isaac to help fix the shul's water problem.
Who saw Big Soap knock out Fatty's tooth?
What condition does Monkey Pants have?
Cerebral Palsy.
What did the missing part of Fatty's note say?
It said that the rest of the money was to pay off the Son of Man. That is the reason the Son of Man was waiting for the Bullis the Egg Man. Nate wanted to keep the money for buying a farm so he entered the hospital to kill the Son of Man.
Because her didn't want to buy shoes from a Jew.
Who was talking to the black government worker about Dodo?
Reverend Spriggs
What did the black children trade to get things from the Heaven and Earth grocery store?
Why was Doc Roberts' father smart to sell the family farm when he did?
Because the steal manufacturing polluted the river near the farm later on.
How did the Son of Man know Nate?
Nate is the Son of Man's father. Both Nate and the Son of Man say the phrase "pretty as a peacock" in the story. When Nate is killing the Son of Man he told him that it wasn't his fault and he must of said that because he didn't have moral guidance growing up.
What did Doc Roberts invite Chona join when they were in school?
To the debate team.
What is a bathing pool at a shul called?
a mikvah
What job did Fatty end up doing when he went to stay with his cousin in Philadelphia?
He worked at his cousin's dry cleaning company while he was in the hospital.
What ship do a lot of white Americans claim their ancestors traveled to America on?
The Mayflower.
If Moshe and Chona were married for over 12 years when they adopted twelve year old Dodo, how could the stove explosion that made Dodo deaf happen more than 12 years ago?
Moshe forgot when he was married and was not married for long as he thought.
Who said that Doc Roberts had fast hands when she had her checkup?
Pia Fabicelli
Who did Malachi buy the bakery from?
Eugenio Fabicelli ( Pia Fabicelli's brother)
Dodo dies in 1972 surrounded by his GRANDCHILDREN! How old was Dodo when he died?
He was 47 years old.
What was the name of the horse Bullis used to make his deliveries?
If Doc Roberts told Gus to get Marv to make him special shoes on Memorial Day and Marv told Isaac before Memorial Day that Gus met with him last week, how did Gus meet with Marv before Memorial Day?
Gus is a time traveler. On Memorial day he traveled back in time to get the special shoes ordered before his toe got swollen. Because he is a time traveler he knows that Doc Roberts will be mistaken for him if he brings him the same color jacket he is wearing.