When Harry potter gets on the train to Hogwarts, what part of the heroes journey is this?
What is Departure
who is the god of lightning?
what is zeus?
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what is ogre
Who's the mascot
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What animal is chopper?
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Who is the god of love?
what is Aphrodite
what is Hermes
What is the brown cows full name
what is Gilbert Cheeseburger
Whats the middle stage of Chicorita?
How many people are in luffys crew?
What is ten?
Whats the meaning of the universe
What is 42?
Who killed medusa
What is perceus
Who is "sus"
What is red
What is the typing of nihilego?
What is Rock Poison?
What is luffys fruit?
What is Gomu Gomu no Mi?
how many siblings did Helen have
what is 0
Who is the god of war?
What is Athena
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What is the 7th gym leader of gen 4?
what is Candice :)
Down D Stairs
Who created the heroes journey?
What is Joseph Campbell?
Who drove the sun chariot across the sky each day?
what is Helios
what my middle name???
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What is the canon name of the Swsh Female Protaganist?
What is Gloria?
What is the one piece