What community had a disproportionate number of deaf people due to genetics, which resulted in everyone signing?
Martha's Vineyard
Thomas Gallaudet's upbringing
Grew up sick and alone. Made him feel isolated and lonely
The deaf man who came to America to help establish the school
Who is Laurent Clerc?
In the early 1800's deaf children were often...
hidden away
While in Paris, Gallaudet stumbled upon...
the French deaf school giving a public demonstration of their skills
The first stop Thomas Gallaudet made on his journey to find deaf education
When did the first deaf school open?
The method used to teach the deaf
What is sign langage
The reason Thomas Gallaudet traveled to Europe
Alice Cogswell's father hired him to bring education and language back to America for Alice
The name of the school in France
The royal school for the deaf- mutes
What was the first deaf school in America renamed?
The American School for the deaf
The family who refused to share their secret teaching method to Thomas Gallaudet
Who is the Braidwood family
The first students to attend the American school for the deaf
Alice Cogswell
The kids from marthas vineyard
The first college for the deaf and hard of hearing
Gallaudet university
The teacher of the French school who held a demonstration of the deaf students' skills
Abbe De L'epee
Where the first deaf school was established
Hartford, Connecticut
The young deaf girl who inspired Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet to devote his life to educating the deaf
Alice Cogswell
Thomas Gallaudet
After England, Thomas went...
to Paris
The man who established the first deaf college
Edward Minor Gallaudet
The percentage of ASL that is indigenous vs influenced by French sign language
60% French
40 % indigenous
When Gallaudet university was established
The original name of the first American school for the deaf.
the American Asylum at Hartford for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.
The two things that had an influence on Modern ASL
1. French Sign Language
2. Indigenous Sign Language (Martha's vineyard sign language)