Court Cases
Influential People and Groups
Vocabulary Words
Types of Bilingual Education
The Supreme Court declared that the prohibition of teaching foreign languages to students was unconstitutional according to the 14th Amendment, (Baker, 2011).
What is Meyer v. Nebraska?
This US President said that bilingual education programs led to the neglect of the English language while serving to preserve the native language, (Baker, 2011).
What is Ronald Reagan?
The shorthand version of a child's first language and the child's second language, (Cummins, 2003).
What is L1 and L2?
In order to become naturalized Americans, this act required that immigrants speak English (Baker, 2011).
What is The Nationality Act of 1906?
In this bilingual program, the native language is not used at all and students level of English language mastery is used to determine their ESL instruction, (Ovando, 2003).
What is Structured Immersion Programs?
This court case began when a group of Chinese students in San Francisco stated that they were not receiving a fair education because they didn't understand the English language, (Baker, 2011).
What is Lau v. Nichols?
This man was the initiator of California's Proposition 227, which stated that English should be the main language of instruction instead of the student's native language, (Ovando, 2003).
What is Ron Unz?
This approach aims to replace the student's native language with the dominate one, (May, 2003).
What is subtractive bilingualism?
This amendment forbid states to restrict the privileges and basic rights of citizens or other people, (MoraModules, 2012).
What is The Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution?
In this type of program, a very small amount of time is set aside for instruction in the student's native language while the main goal is to switch to English-only instruction, (Ovando, 2003).
What is Partial Immersion Programs?
This court case set standards for how bilingual education programs would be assessed for meeting the requirements of the Equal Education Opportunities Act of 1974, (Ovando, 2003).
What is Castaneda v. Pickard?
This group of newly arrived immigrants started a successful bilingual education program at Coral Way Elementary School in Florida, (Ovando, 2003).
What is the Cuban community?
This approach seeks to add another language to the student's language repertoire and maintain their native language, (May, 2003).
What is the additive approach to bilingualism?
This act served to improve schools and encouraged the learning of foreign languages in 1958, (Baker, 2003).
What is the National Defense and Education Act?
Until the child reaches a certain level of English language mastery, they are provided with extensive instruction in their native language. After they have reached that level of proficiency, they enter an English-only program, (Ovando, 2003).
What is Transitional Bilingual Programs?
This monumental court decision stated that the separation of white and black students was unconstitutional, (MoraModules, 2012).
What is Brown v. The Board of Education?
This senator from Texas initiated the Bilingual Education Act as an amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, (Baker, 2011).
What is Ralph Yarborough?
This argument stated that students cannot learn in a language that they do not understand, (Cummins, 2003).
What is the linguistic mismatch hypothesis?
This California proposition is also know as the English for the Children Initiative, (Baker, 2003).
What is Proposition 227?
This type of bilingual education program aims to maintain the native language as well as learn the English language, (May, 2008).
What is Maintenance or Developmental Bilingual Education?
The US Supreme court declared that illegal immigrant children were to receive a free public education in 1981, (MoraModules, 2012).
What is Plyer v. Doe?
This US President's administration forced Congress to drop multiple riders from a bill that would have been restrictive of how long students had to learn English, (Ovando, 2003).
What is Bill Clinton?
This argument stated that in order for children to master the English language, they should be exposed to a maximum amount of English in school, (Cummins, 2003).
What is the maximum exposure hypothesis?
This legislation reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act for 6 years in 2002, (Baker, 2003).
What is the No Child Left Behind legislation?
This bilingual program puts students that speak both languages together in the same classroom in order to learn from each other, (Ovando, 2003).
What is a Two-Way Immersion program?