When was Quito founded?
Quito was founded on December 6, 1534.
When did Quito become a part of the Spanish Empire?
Quito became a part of the Spanish Empire in 1534.
When did Ecuador gain independence from Spain?
On August 10, 1809.
When was Quito declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
Quito was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978
Who founded Quito?
Sebastián de Belalcázar.
What architectural style characterizes colonial Quito?
by Baroque architecture.
Who was Quito's independence leader?
Juan Pío Montúfar.
What is the altitude of Quito's historic center?
approximately 2,850 meters above sea level.
What is the original name of Quito?
"San Francisco de Quito."
Which famous landmark in Quito was completed in 1605?
The Church of the Society of Jesus was completed in 1605.
Which battle led to the liberation of Quito from Spanish forces?
The Battle of Pichincha in 1822 led to the liberation of Quito.
Which prominent international organization has its headquarters in Quito?
In which country is Quito located?
Quito is located in Ecuador.
Who was the first bishop of Quito?
García Díaz Arias.
When did Quito officially become the capital of Ecuador?
In 1830.
What is the name of the cable car system in Quito that offers views of the city and surrounding mountains?