The head of the dwarves.
Who is Thorin?
Smelly, ugly, live underground; forge great weapons.
Who are the goblins?
Bilbo lives in this; his home is called this
What is a hobbit-hole? What is the Shire?
"They did say I could pick and choose my own share, and I think I would choose this."
Who is Bilbo (Baggins)?
My precious!
What is the (Gollum's) ring?
The raven who helps deliver information to the dwarves.
Who is Roac?
Big, not smart, sunlight turns them to stone.
Who are the trolls?
The vast forest that brings much trouble.
What is Mirkwood?
"Black arrow! I have saved you to the last!"
Who is Bard?
Bilbo stole this in his first trip to Smaug's lair.
What is a golden cup?
Bilbo's dagger
What is Sting?
Large, fierce, hated by the eagles.
Who are the Wargs?
The mountain where Smaug lives.
Who is Lonely Mountain?
"I will be avenged on anyone who finds it and withholds it!"
Who is Thorin?
Letters that can only be seen in full moonlight.
What are moon-letters?
Loves treasure; burns Laketown
Who is Smaug?
Double Jeopardy: The Battle of Five Armies were fought by what five creature groups?
What are Men, Dwarves, Elves, Wargs, and Goblins?
"Have you thoroughly explored it?"
What is Gandolf?
The dwarves escaped the Elvinking in these.
What are barrels?
One of the three trolls.
Who is William, Tom, or Burt?
Venomous and feed on anything they capture.
Who are the giant spiders?
The rock formation in front of Beorn's home.
What is the Carrock?
"Bilbo are more worthy to wear the armour of elf-princes than many that have looked more comely in it!"
Who is the Elvinking?
Thorin values this piece of treasure above all else.
What is the Arkenstone?