what pop singer had three songs appear on billboards top 20 songs of 2015
Taylor swift
what shape has five sides
what show is a game
family feud
spider mans real name
Peter Parker
what two colors make orange
red and yellow
who discovered she was "levitating"to climb the music charts in 2021
dua lipa
The sum of all triangle angles?
what game gives you the ability to pack a punch your gun
call of duty
how did buzz and woody get to Andy at the end of the first movie
the rocket blowing up
what is a CDL
commercial drivers license
which artist released her live album "homecoming"in 2019
what game holds a global event with the best players to win a cash prize of 250000
What are all the kids names in jessie
Emma Luke ravi and Zuri
what year did the Berlin Wall fall
November 9, 1989
unfologists' knowledge was used for this nick Minaj song mentioning how these celestial objects were "meant to fly"
What are the three ways a ratio can be written out?
fraction, semi colon, and words (to)
what Minecraft mob has the most health
the warden
what are the names of the 4 quadruplets on that nickelodeon show
nicky, Ricky, dicky, and dawn
how old is Elon Musk
this British band is known for iconic hits like "stairway to heaven"
led zeppelin
write out/speak out what 12 to the second is
what game also has a show/movie in the franchise
What is Katniss's nickname during the hunger games
the girl on fire
what is the 20th word in jojo siwas song "karma"