Alike or Different?
What Happened Next?
In the Story
Who Am I?
A synonym for "disappeared"...
What is "vanished"?
Both Victor and Houdini had this in common.
What is they liked to perform magic tricks?
After Victor read how Houdini escaped from an iron milk can, he tried to do this.
What is escape from his grandmother's trunk?
The turning point of the story occurred when...
What is when Victor met Houdini at the train station?
I wrote Victor a letter because I was impressed with his determination.
Who is Harry Houdini?
Something that has fallen to pieces has....
What is "crumbled"?
Victor and this person never saw eye-to-eye about Victor performing magic tricks.
Who is Victor's mother?
After Victor found out that Houdini could hold his breath in a crate dropped in the ocean, he tried this.
What is hold his head underwater in the bathtub?
Mrs. Houdini offered candy to Victor when he arrived at their house for this reason.
What is because it was Halloween and she thought he was trick-or-treating?
I was a daring young man who approached Houdini at the train station.
Who is Victor?
It is another word for a memorial.
What is a "monument"?
We know that Houdini and Victor were alike as adults because they both treated children this way.
What is with kindness?
Because his mother was tired of Victor trying to do all of Houdini's tricks, she then decided to do this.
What is send him to visit his Aunt Harriet?
It is the reason Mrs. Houdini cried when she read the letter Victor brought with him.
What is because Houdini had just died?
I was playing baseball with my dad and my baseball landed on Houdnini's grave!
Who is Harry?
Something that comes into view has....
What is "appeared"?
It was the way Victor is the same at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story.
What is that he was excited about magic?
After Victor met Houdini at the train station, Houdini promised to do this for him.
What is send him a letter?
Victor was so excited after reading Houdini's monument because he realized this.
What is that the initials E.W. stood for "Erich Weiss", his real name?
I was the person that Victor and his wife named their baby son for.
Who is Aunt Harriet?
A crowd that is scurrying or moving quickly is said to be...
What is "bustling"?
Victor was different from Houdini at the beginning because...
What is because he was unsuccessful at performing Houdini's escape tricks?
After Victor and his son found the baseball on Houdini's grave, Victor realized this.
What is that the box with the initials "E.V." was actually Houdini's?
It is the reason that Victor did not tell his wife of son about the box at the end of the story.
What is because Houdini's secrets were meant only for him?
I changed my name to Houdini to honor my favorite magician who was...
Who is Robert Houdin?