Old Testament
New Testament
Greek Gods
Eighties Movies
The 1960's

The baptismal fonts in temples today are modeled after ones found in the temple built by this king.

Who is Solomon?


The Magi visited Jesus not when he was born, but when he was ----.

What is one or two years old?


These two gods were rivals, with one of their biggest fights being over the possession of Athens.

Who are Poseidon and Athena?


In this 1985 movie, the story line with the clock tower was added later to save money.

What is Back to the Future?

(Originally, Marty was supposed to travel back to 1985 by driving into a nuclear test site in Nevada and harnessing the power of a nuclear explosion)


This president was elected as the first Roman Catholic president and the youngest person to ever be elected president. 

Who is John F. Kennedy? 


This book is the longest book in the Bible and is found in the Old Testament.

What is Jeremiah?


The events of the Lord's Supper happened during this Jewish holiday.

What is Passover?


Despite being popular now in movies and TV, this aggressive god was not popular in ancient Greece and his worship was not substantial or widespread. 

Who is Ares?


Tom Cruise improvised the classic "dancing in his underwear" scene in this movie.

What is Risky Business?


This superhero webbed his way into comic books, debuting in the Amazing Fantasy #15.

Who is Spider Man?


This book found in the Old Testament is the only book in the bible to not mention God by name.

What is Esther?


This book is the shortest book in the Bible and is found in the New Testament. 

What is 3 John?


This god is the only Greek Olympian with a mortal parent and was the last one to enter Olympus. 

Who is Dionysus?


This classic Molly Ringwald rom-com almost ended with her character ending up with Jon Cryer's character. It was changed after the test audience hated it. 

What is Pretty in Pink?


This retail company opened its first store in Rogers, Arkansas.

What is Walmart?


Eve's name means this in Hebrew.

What is "to live"?


The four gospels were written for different audiences: Matthew for the Jews, Mark for the Romans, Luke for the Greeks, and John for the -----

Who are the growing church?


This god might be known for his dark demeanor, but he is also the god of wealth. 

Who is Hades?


This classic Halloween movie's original script took place in space and the future.

What is Ghostbusters?


The BBC broadcasts the very first episode of this iconic sci-fi show in 1963.

What is Doctor Who?


This tree is the first to flower in Israel, which is why God uses it as a symbol of how quickly He will make His prophecies come to pass. 

What is the almond tree?


Authorship of this new testament book has been argued for centuries, sometimes over a cup of coffee.

What is Hebrews?


This goddess of the state (among other things) had an alter in each town hall, where a fire would remain lit for her. 

Who is Hestia; the goddess of hearth, home, architecture, domesticity, family, and the state.


The high school economics scene in this movie was completely improvised and done in one take by Ben Stein. 

What is Ferris Bueller's Day Off?


Sidney Poitier wins the Academy Award for "Best Actor" for this movie, becoming the first African American actor to win. 

What is Lillies of the Field?