Door Keys
Foundation Cracks

The roof : The act of recalling information (facts, concepts, events) from memory. 

What is Retrieval Practice?


One of four walls: The method of recalling information more than once. Mind the gap!

What is spaced practice?


One of five door keys. The act of trying to answer a question before the solution is provided, regardless of whether or not material has been learned before. And no, not a boomer or millennial type.

What is generation?


The opposite of spaced practice. Occurs when information is reviewed in one sitting (cramming).

What is massed practice?


The action of the brain that is opposite of passively reading over notes. REMEMBER it takes effort.

what is active recall?


The process by which we jump between different topics in before we've mastered them order to solidify them in our long-term memory. 

What is interleaving?


The process of making new information more meaningful by relating it to previously learned knowledge and experiences. Sorry, I didn't quite get that.

What is elaboration?


The misconception that we learn best under different modes (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic).

What are learning styles?


These are strengthened by the process of active recall in the brain so that information can be accessed more quickly. Aha!

What is neural pathways or neural connections?


It is learning material through the use of more than one type of retrieval practice activity. An all-you-can-eat-buffet of sorts.

What is varied practice?


A mental technique that helps store information in a way that makes it easier to recall. Darn, I really wish I knew the mitochondria's function.

What is a mnemonic device?


When knowledge feels familiar or easy to learn but we actually haven't been learning effectively. Now you know.

What is illusions of knowing?

A facilitation technique that helps learners remember and learn better by straying from the set path.
What is redirection?

The ways of strengthening learning by incorporating surmountable challenges into retrieval practice. What is this wall doing here?

What is desirable difficulties?


The act of objectively assessing whether or not one has correctly learned certain material. Are you sure you're sure?

What is calibration?


The capacity to remember a small amount of information over a recent period of time. Related to massed practice. 

What is short-term memory?


Something that learners experience when introduced to retrieval practice. A type of push back. Hey what were we talking about again?

What is resistance?


The misconception about interleaving. Why can't I just stick to one thing?

What is the discomfort of switching between topics?


The process of thinking back to an experience that took place, including what went well and what improvements could be made for next time. Who's that I see?

What is reflection?


The basis of retrieval practice. Without it we can't have active recall. You don't remember?

What is forgetting?