What does Millie wear initially to make Nina feel less threatened?
What does Andrew admit to wanting which Nina is revealed to be unable to provide?
Children of his own
What is Cecelia's nickname?
What did Millie keep as a souvenir from her date with Andrew?
The Broadway playbill (nobody knows what a playbill is so "ticket" is an acceptable answer)
It is revealed that Nina is able to track Millie through what?
Her Cellphone
What realization about the attic made Millie feel uneasy during her first tour of her room?
The door having a lock from the outside
What is Enzo's occupation?
A Landscaper
What allergy did Cecilia pretend to have?
A peanut butter allergy
Where did Millie and Andrew's first kiss take place?
Inside a taxi
What colour does Nina wear exclusively?
What is Millie's legal first name?
During their first interaction, Enzo says "Periocolo" to Millie. What does this translate to?
What does Millie mistaken an "Abalone Sandwich" for?
A bologna sandwich
The morning after spending the night with Andrew, Millie realizes that she forgot to ....
Take out the garbage
What was Nina admitted into the psych ward for doing?
Attempting to kill herself and Cecelia as a baby
How long was Millie in prison for?
10 Years
What secondary language does Andrew speak?
Name at least ONE extra-curricular activity that Cecelia participates in
Karate / Ballet / Tap Dancing / Piano
What show does Nina catch Andrew and Millie watching in the middle of the night together?
Family Feud
Which errand did Nina send Millie on, only to then question Millie as to why she would ever think to go there?
Picking up Cecilia from school