Skill Diff
Master Yi

As of 3.21, drops of this type of item are now affected by increases and reductions to item quantity.

What are breach splinters?


The Concoction builds were (in most cases) nerfed in this way.

What is - flask charge cost scaling with projectile count?


Through a passive mastery, you have a chance of opening chests when performing a certain action. This is the type of mastery (e.g. Mana, or Caster)

What is - caster.


This Saboteur ascendancy notable is now the only one with a notable prerequisite. (description is acceptable)

Pyromaniac - immunity to ignite and shock, regen on detonating/triggering mines/traps.


This is the only Pathfinder ascendancy notable that was not changed (description acceptable).

What is - Master Toxicist (during flask effect, poison inflicted has a 20% chance to do 100% more damage, poison prolif)


Tecrod's Gaze, a Murderous Eye Jewel, has doubled its bonuses with the 3.21 patch. What are its benefits? (numbers not required)

Increased main hand crit chance per murderous eye jewel affecting you, and + off hand crit multi per murderous eye jewel affecting you.

Numbers: 40%, up to 200%, and 20%, up to 100%.


Molten shell was nerfed by this percentage.

What is 50%?


A new passive mastery can grant immunity to poison or immunity to bleeding, but never both. This is the type of mastery (e.g. Mana, or Caster).

What is: armour/evasion rating.


"Like Clockwork" grants this much CDR, and reduces enemies CDR by this much. (two numbers)

What is - 30%, 10%?


Nature's Boon gives this benefit to magic utility flasks.

What is - 30% increased effect.
This is the difference between polished and gilded Breach scarabs.

What is - doubled splinter drops from clasped hands?


Spark was nerfed in two ways. One was a reduction in projectiles in early levels. This is the other nerf.

What is - reduced base projectile speed?


A certain passive mastery causes dexterity to no longer provide an inherent bonus to Evasion Rating. This is the upside.

What is - 1% increased evasion rating per 5 intelligence.


Summon Triggerbots applies this damage penalty to your triggered spells.

What is - 35% less damage.

This is the highest wither effect a Pathfinder can get from the skill tree.

What is - 70% increased effect? (this is 153% increased chaos damage taken)


If you have a unique abyss jewel affecting you, Bubonic Trail gives this benefit. (number must be within the correct range)

What is 16-24% increased mana reservation efficiency?


Lightning Tendrils gained a substantial damage effectiveness buff, as well as these two other changes.

What are-

Stronger pulse every 3 pulses (instead of 4)

Guaranteed crit every stronger pulse (instead of 200% more damage with hits on stronger pulse)


There are two new Impale masteries. One of them is Call of Steel-esque. The other grants a chance on hit for this benefit.


What is - all impales on the target last for an additional hit?


On average, Bomb Specialist grants this much more Area Damage, and grants this much less Area Damage from Hits. (two numbers)

What are - 10%, 10%?


With Master Distiller, if a Pathfinder uses a diamond flask and consumes a charge when using a skill, they gain this much increased critical strike chance for the skill.

What is - 250%?


The Surrender used to give at most 250 life recovered on block. Now it can give at most this much life recovered on block.

What is - 500 life?


A fully charged Snipe grants this much more damage to a socketed skill's ailment damage.

What is - 720% more?


One passive mastery gives 25% of Damage taken Recouped as Life, if this condition is met.

What is - leech removed by filling unreserved life recently?


All minor passives on the Saboteur ascendancy now grant this benefit.

What is - 8% increased AoE?


With Mind over Matter and this unique flask, a Pathfinder can achieve the recovery style of an inquisitor.

What is - Replica Sorrow of the Divine?