& Cells
Scientists like to study the human body by organizing it into groupings called?
How many bones in a newborn?
More than 300.
How many muscles groups in the human body?
The central nervous system is made up of two parts. What are they?
Brain and spinal cord.
What are the FIVE senses of the human body?
Taste, Touch, Smell, Hearing, Sight.
These are the smallest parts of your body, the building blocks.
206 bones.
Little Mouse
What is the long section of the neuron that sends messages from the nucleus to the terminal buttons?
Sounds travels in what form or shape?
The 'brain' of a cell is called?
Your nose is made of . . . ?
What is the name of largest muscle group in your body?
Gluteus Maximus.
What is the name of the liquid inside the eye that helps to keep its shape?
Humor: aqueous or vitreous.
What does cochlea mean in latin?
The 'powerhouse' of the cell is called?
Bones are connected by . . . ?
Muscles are attached to bones by . . .?
What is the name of the covering on a neuron that helps to speed up the message?
Myelin Sheath.
How fast can sneezes travel?
About 60 MPH
Groups of cells form together to make?
Tissues and Organs.
What is the fluid called between the joints that prevents them from rubbing?
Synovial fluid.
Many of your body's organs are able to work on their own without thinking. What do you call that type of muscle?
Involuntary Muscle.
The brain is made up of many parts, but the two main parts are called?
What are the FIVE tastes your tongue can sense?
Sweet, Salty, Sour, Bitter, Umami