What is the name of the muscle that pumps blood throughout the body?
The heart
What is the name of the illness that causes a high fever and a sore throat?
Influenza (flu)
What is a "fracture" in Slovak?
What is the name of the vitamin that is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight?
Vitamin D
What is a "pain reliever / pain killer"?
liek proti bolesti
What is the name of the joint that connects the upper arm to the forearm?
Answer: The elbow
What is the name of the symptom where your body feels hot and you sweat?
What is a "wound" in Slovak?
What is the name of the vitamin that is found in citrus fruits?
Vitamin C
What is an "X-ray"?
What is the name of the body part on your head that you use to hear?
The ear
What is the name of the symptom where your head hurts?
What has happened to you when you have a "cracked skull"?
prasknutá lebka
What is the name of a type of exercise that involves stretching and breathing and comes from India?
What is an "insomnia"?
What are the Slovak names for the following body parts: "rameno", "kĺb", "chrbtica", "prst".
"Shoulder", "Joint", "Spine", "Finger"
What is the name of the illness that makes you sneeze and have a runny nose?
Common cold / Cold
What is the name of the injury where a joint is dislocated from its normal position?
Two words - what is the name of a healthy habit that involves taking breaks from technology?
Digital detox
What are "heart attack" and "cancer"?
infarkt a rakovina
Translate the following English words to Slovak: "Leg", "Tooth", "Throat", "Stomach"
"Noha", "Zub", "Hrdlo", "Žalúdok"
What is the name of the chronic disease that affects the lungs and makes it difficult to breathe?
What is the name of the injury when you break bones in your chest that protect your lungs and heart?
Broken ribs
What is the name of the nutrient that helps to build and repair muscle?
Translate into Slovak: "Vomiting", "Diarrhea", "Constipation".
"Zvracanie", "Hnačka", "Zápcha"