Your Bones
If I only had a Brain
Pumped up kicks
Ouch! I did it again!
Grab bag
What structure connects muscle to bone?
Name the 3 major parts of the brain.
Brain stem, Cerebellum, and Cerebrum
What is the difference between the pulmonary vein and pulmonary artery?
The pulmonary artery brings blood away from the heart while the pulmonary vein brings blood back to the heart from the lungs.
I'm bleeding!!!! What's happening to my body? How can I stop bleeding?!
Don't panic! Blood vessels have been opened, but platelets will clump together and form a net of proteins that clot the bleeding.
Your quadriceps are the muscles on the top of your thigh. Are they extensors or flexors? How do you know?
Quadriceps are extensors because when they contract, your leg straightens.
Name the bones that are moving in this animation.
Carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
What is the difference between a sensory neuron and motor neuron?
Sensory neurons carry messages from the sensory receptors to the brain.
Motor neurons carry messages from the brain to the muscles.
Which muscles help you inhale and exhale?
The diaphragm and the rib muscles.
How does your skin help your body temperature cool down?
Sweat glands in the dermis release sweat and when it evaporates, it cools the body.

What structure is causing the raccoon's eye to glow?
The tapetum reflected light inside of the eye.
Name 3 functions of the skeletal system.
  • Support your body
  • Protect internal organs
  • Make blood cells
  • Store fats and minerals
  • Help the body move with the muscular system
Ooops! I fell asleep in class with my head on my hand. Now I can't feel my hand! What happened? Explain using these words: sensory neuron, spinal cord, sensory cortex
When my head was on my hand, the pressure may have squeezed the sensory neurons in my hand which interrupted the signal that travels through my spinal cord to the sensory cortex.
A person who is anemic can have less than the normal amount of hemoglobin. How would this affect the body?
With less hemoglobin, this person could not get as much oxygen into their body because hemoglobin is the chemical that holds onto oxygen in red blood cells.
Ouch! You ran into the corner of the table! A bruise appears but the outside of your skin looks okay. Explain what happened to cause the bruise and name the protein that gives your skin elasticity.
Blood vessels have been opened underneath the skin, but the collagen in your skin helps to make it elastic and prevent it from breaking open.
Why do lymph nodes swell when you are sick?
Some white blood cells are stored in the lymph nodes and when you are sick, the body produces more WBCs.
Where are B-lymphocytes made?
In the red marrow.
Timmy took a big fall off his skateboard, hit his head, and lost consciousness briefly. He's not sure what happened, but he's having the following symptoms: memory loss, trouble feeling his feet, and hearing a strange ringing tone.
What parts of his brain may have been injured?
His temporal lobe which is in charge of memory and hearing. Part of his sensory cortex may have also been injured which is why he is having trouble feeling his feet.
Explain the path of blood in the heart for systemic circulation. Be specific about the blood vessels and heart chambers.
Oxygen rich blood in the left atrium is pumped into the left ventricle. The blood is then pumped to the body through the aorta. Once the body has taken the oxygen, the oxygen poor blood returns to the right atrium of the heart through the superior and inferior vena cava.
What is the difference between HIV and lupus in terms of what is wrong with the immune system?
HIV is an immunodeficiency disorder which means that part of the immune system isn't working properly. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks healthy organs.
What respiratory diseases might a person who smokes develop? Please explain.
Emphysema: Alveoli rot away. Lung cancer: Lung cells grow rapidly and form tumors.
Overheard on the tv show Bones: "There is an abnormal in the anterior portion of tibiofibular ligament ."
Which part of the body are they referring to?
The front part of the ligament that connect the tibia and the fibula.
How are we able to hear sounds? Explain the structures that sound travels through in order from outside our body to inside of our brain.
Sound waves vibrate the ear drum which passes the vibration to the middle ear bones and the cochlea. The cochlea vibrates and sensory neurons in the cochlea convert the sound wave into an electrical message that travels to your temporal lobe through the auditory nerve.
What is the difference in the size the cardiac muscle in the left ventricle and right ventricle? Why is there a difference?
The cardiac muscle in the left ventricle is much thicker than the muscle in the right ventricle, because the left ventricle needs to pump the blood throughout the body, not just to the lungs.
Explain the path of the messages sent during this reflex: I touch a hot stove and pull my hand away.
Sensory receptors send a message through the sensor neurons to my spinal cord. From here, two messages are sent. One through my motor neurons to tell my hand to move away. The other message is sent to my brain where I feel the pain.
Compare the formation of a goosebump and a sneeze.
Both are formed in response to an environmental change, are involuntary movements and they are caused by muscle contractions. In a goosebump, muscles around hair follicle contract. A sneeze is caused when something irritates nerve cells in our nose which trigger muscle contracts to force air out of our nose and mouth. Sneezes get rid of germs and goosebumps don't.