Who said it?
Part I
Part II
Part III
The Games

"Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

Effie Trinket


What concept did Cinna create for Katniss in terms of style?

"The girl who was on fire."


How many tributes died in the Cornucopia "bloodbath"?



Why does Katniss go to find Peeta?

Because the rules were changed for the Games and now 2 tributes from the same district can win if they are the last ones standing.


Which districts are the Career tributes from? Why are they called the Careers?

1,2,4 - they receive training before The Games


"Did I actually get a pair of fighters this year?"

Haymitch Abernathy


What does Katniss do at the Training Center that causes her to worry about consequences and potential punishment to her family?

Shoots the apple of the pig that the Gamemakers were going to eat during the private session?


How did Rue die?

The District 1 boy threw a spear threw her stomach.


What condition did Peeta have when Katniss found him?

Blood poisoning
Why do The Hunger Games exist?

As punishment to the Districts for rebelling against the Capitol.


"I don't want them to change me in there. Turn me into some kind of monster that I'm not."

Peeta Mellark


What did Peeta reveal at his interview with Caesar Flickerman?

He has a crush on Katniss.


What first challenge does Katniss face after she leaves the Cornucopia?

She becomes severely dehydrated because it takes her a long time to find water.


Who is the first to retrieve their backpack at The Feast?



How old are the tributes that participate in The Games?

Between 12-18 years old


"When we find her, I kill her in my own way, and no one interferes."

Cato (from District 2)


Where had Katniss seen the Avox girl before the Capitol? What happened to the girl?

Once when she was hunting with Gale in the woods in District 12. The girl was caught by a hovercraft and taken to be punished (by having her tough cut out).


Peeta allied with the Careers. Who else had an alliance with them?

District 3 boy


What was "special" about the muttations that chased the remaining tributes?

They resembled the tributes who died in the Games (their eyes, size, and color of their fur).

How did the Gamemakers manipulate the arena during The Games? Name 2 ways.

Started a huge fire, shot fireballs at Katniss, big temperature change between day and night, no more water in the river towards the end, OR adding muttations.


"Have you given up on the whole 'girl on fire' thing?"

Katniss Everdeen


Why does Gale feel bitter towards Madge Undersee?

As the District 12 mayor's daughter, she's middle/upper middle class, so she never truly has to worry about entering the Hunger Games, since she's never at risk for needing tessera.


How is Katniss injured after taking out the Career's supplies? Why does this injury scare her?

She goes deaf in her left ear. She needs her full sense of hearing for survival.

After winning the games, Katniss says, "the most dangerous part of the Hunger Games is about to begin." Why?

The Capitol is angry that Katniss went against them with the berries. She is now worried for the safety of her family and people back home due to her actions.


What was the rule change during the Games? Why did the Gamemakers do that?

2 tributes from the same district could win, however this was revoked. The Gamemakers just used this rule change as a way to have more entertainment during the Games.