Textual Evidence
What's the Theme?
Are You Paying Attention?
Random Knowledge
What happens first?

“I volunteer!” I gasp. “I volunteer as tribute!” (Chapter 2).

At the outset of Chapter 2, just after Prim has been selected in the reaping, Katniss volunteers to serve as the female tribute for District 12 in the Hunger Games. Katniss’s volunteering is also notable because, as Katniss explains, volunteers in her district are basically unheard of.


"“I’m ashamed I never tried to help her in the woods. That I let the Capitol kill the boy and mutilate her without lifting a finger. Just like I was watching the Games.”

Shame, regret because Katniss is talking about when she saw the girl who later became an Avox. She was in the woods with Gale when she witnessed what happened to her and her friend - Katniss and Gale didn't help them and she feels bad about it. She feels as though she was just as bad as the people in the Capitol watching the games.


What animal did Katniss put an arrow into in front of the Gamemakers?

a pig


What’s the name of the day when tributes are chosen?

The Reaping


Katniss sees the Avox or Peeta decides to be coached separately.

Katniss sees the Avox.


"In District 12, we call them the Career Tributes, or just the Careers. And like as not, the winner will be one of them".

Katniss’s explanation of what a Career Tribute occurs when the tributes gather together for their first day of training in Chapter 7. As Katniss explains, the Career Tributes are those tributes from the wealthier districts (typically Districts 1, 2, and 4) who have trained their whole lives to take part in the Hunger Games. They know how to fight and use a variety of weapons, and they are typically large and look strong and well-fed, compared to the tributes from the poorer districts who often look undernourished.


“Why don’t you just be yourself? … No one can help but admire your spirit.”

Identity, individuality, originality because Katniss is frustrated about her interview training. She feels as though she has nothing to offer in terms of charm or personality, she has a hard time being superficial. When Cinna says this to Katniss, it makes her feel better because he recognizes a deeper quality in her, it makes her feel like a fighter..


What is District 12's Black Market called?

The Hob


What was the name of Katniss’s stylist?



Peeta admits his love for Katniss or Katniss scores an 11.

Katniss scores and 11.


"The boy took one look back to the bakery as if checking that the coast was clear, then, his attention back on the pig, he threw a loaf of bread in my direction. The second quickly followed, and he sloshed back to the bakery, closing the kitchen door tightly behind him".

Katniss relates her first encounter with Peeta once Peeta has been selected as District 12’s male tribute. Katniss credits Peeta’s actions with essentially saving her life at the time and helping her realize that she would have to act as the provider for her family.


“Gale gave me a sense of security I’d lacked since my father’s death. His companionship replaced the long solitary hours in the woods. I became a much better hunter when I didn’t have to look over my shoulder constantly, when someone was watching my back…Being out in the woods with Gale…sometimes I was actually happy.”

Friendship, companionship, loyalty, security because Katniss feels safe with Gale, she trusts him with her life. She doesn't have anyone else like him in her life. Her father was that person for her before he died. 


How did Katniss' father die?

A mine explosion 


What is tessera and why does Katniss take part in it despite the risks?

It's the practice of adding your name additional times to the reaping in exchange for grain. She does it to help her family survive.


Cinna gives Katniss interview advice or Avox helps Katniss clean the mess she made in her room.

The Avox helps her clean her room.


"Peeta blushes beet red and stammers out. 'Because…because…she came here with me'".

In Chapter 9, as Caesar Flickerman interviews Peeta before the Games, Peeta reveals to Caesar and all of Panem that he’s in love with Katniss. Peeta’s revelation sets in motion the storyline of him and Katniss as ill-fated lovers that carries on throughout the Games. 


“You can’t turn out again. No. You can’t. Not like when Dad died. I won’t be there for her anymore, you’re all she has. And no matter what you feel, you’re going to be there for her, do you understand?”

Responsibility, family because Katniss is telling her mother that she has to step up and take care of Prim now that she is leaving for the Hunger Games. Her mom has to come out of her depression and be a responsible parent.


What gift does Prim give to Katniss on the day of the reaping?

Goat cheese wrapped in basil leaves.


Why does Katniss take an interest in Rue?

She reminds her of Prim.


Katniss meets with the Baker after the Reaping or Katniss meets with Gale after the Reaping.

Katniss meets with the Baker after the Reaping


 “I want the audience to recognize you when you’re in the arena," says Cinna dreamily. “Katniss, the girl who was on fire”.

 Cinna understands how necessary it is to make Katniss stand out, not just for the sake of vanity, but because he knows that appearances in the Hunger Games can have a significant, tangible effect. By standing out during the ceremony, for instance, Katniss can attract fans that might not otherwise have noticed her, and among these fans may be sponsors who could provide gifts that might prove critical during the Hunger Games.


"Gale and I were thrown together by a mutual need to survive.  Peeta and I know the other's survival means our own death.  How do you sidestep that?"

Survival because Katniss is thinking about the difference between surviving in District 12 vs surviving The Games. No matter where she is, she needs to survive, but how she does that looks different based on the environment and people involved. 


Who is Madge and what does she represent in District 12?

The mayor's daughter. She represents wealthier, privileged people. 


What is the name of the interviewer in Chapter 9 and what does he do for the tributes during their interviews?

Caesar Flickerman and he tries to make them look good so they will get sponsors.


Katniss volunteers as tribute or Peeta throws Katniss the bread.

Peeta throws Katniss the bread